Re: ID and Genesis Reconsidered

From: Keith B Miller (
Date: Wed Mar 08 2000 - 21:22:48 EST

  • Next message: glenn morton: "Re: ID:philosophy or scientific theory?"

    >Looking for papers related to bivalve evolution, I ran across something
    >relevant to the irreducible complexity issue. Melendez-Hevia, Waddell, and
    >Cascante. 1996. The puzzle of the Krebs citric acid cycle: assembling the
    >pieces of chemically feasible reactions, and opportunism in the design of
    >metabolic pathways during evolution. Journal of Molecular Evolution,
    >43:293-303. The discussion of the mechanisms and functionality of the
    >intermediates is sufficiantly detailed to require more review of organic
    >chemistry than I am inclined to until after my dissertation is turned in.
    >They also cite assorted previous papers on the evolution of this and other
    >complex biochemical cycles such as the Calvin cycle.

    The evolutionary origin of this and other "irreducibly complex" biochemical
    systems are discussed in Kenneth Miller's new book "Finding Darwin's God"
    published by Harper/Collins. He discusses the origin of the blood clotting
    cascade, which is one of the systems specifically used by Behe.


    Keith B. Miller
    Department of Geology
    Kansas State University
    Manhattan, KS 66506

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