From: John W. Burgeson (
Date: Thu Mar 02 2000 - 17:52:23 EST

  • Next message: Massie: "Re: "Genesis Reconsidered""

    Bill Payne wrote: "Just as Jesus bypassed all naturalistic processes when
    He created wine at the wedding feast in Cana (John 2), so also I think He
    may have created the cosmos in a short period of time with the appearance
    of age. Am I
    saying that we should give up on science and just believe? No, not at
    all; but I do think we should be willing to accept the miraculous if it
    is consistent with the Scripture and perhaps suggested by what we
    understand of nature."

    That's a fair argument, Bill. My problem with it is that I have yet to
    see anything cited by ICR and their friends which in the least suggests
    the YEC thesis has any credibility.

    Along this line, have you ever read Gosse's book OMPHALOS (published in
    1957)? I have a copy (photocopy) of it -- it is still the best apology
    for the YEC position I've ever come across. The only argument that can be
    really formed against it (IMHO) is the "deceitful God" argument. For
    those who don't know of it -- it is a variation on "Last Thursdayism."
    Worth reading.

    You wrote " I do think we should be willing to accept the miraculous."
    Well, I do, but not in the case of origins. To do so is, I think, to
    throw out all the science I know (or think I know). Essentially, "check
    my brains at the church door." I can't do that.


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