Re: asa-digest V1 #1465

Allan Harvey (
Mon, 20 Dec 1999 13:55:39 -0700

At 11:49 AM 12/20/99 -0700, John W. Burgeson wrote:
>Bill Payne wrote:
>"Johnson is trying to get the Bible out of the discussion,
>not because he doesn't think the Bible is the Word of God, but because he
>thinks evolution should be analyzed on its own merits, regardless of its
>lack of support (or support) from scripture."
>Very well put, my friend. That is the key to understanding PJ and the
>others in the ID movement.

Perhaps, but it is at least as key to recognize *why* they want to give
evolution this scrutiny. Underlying most of the movement is the
assumption that evolution is incompatible with theism (which *may* be
based on their reading of Scripture but may spring from "God of the Gaps"
theology or other philosophical considerations), which necessitates a
defensive effort to find holes in evolutionary theory. So even if PJ
leaves the Bible out of it, he can't (nor does he really try to) pretend
his motivations are not primarily religious.

After all, you don't see such large and determined efforts to analyze
relativity or plate tectonics "on its own merits", because these theories
don't threaten anybody's faith. If evolution were not perceived as a
threat to theism, at least 90% of the ID movement (and 99% of the
attention it gets within the Church) would vanish, with ID getting as
little attention as PJ's opposition to scientific orthodoxy on HIV/AIDS.

By the way, I'm not opposed to such scrutiny of evolutionary theory, but
I despise the frequently underlying implication that, if evolution stands
up under the scrutiny, atheism will have won the day.

| Dr. Allan H. Harvey | |
| Physical and Chemical Properties Division | "Don't blame the |
| National Institute of Standards & Technology | government for what I |
| 325 Broadway, Boulder, CO 80303 | say, or vice versa." |