Re: index fossils

David Campbell (
Mon, 21 Jun 1999 13:25:48 -0400

>Why do you say that rapid burial is necessary, and why do the
>nannofossils need to be deposited during the Flood?

Rapid burial is required to prevent bioturbation and other mixing from
destroying the sequence, if it formed rapidly. If the modern coccolith
flora (the algae that make most nannofossils) started changing globally
from certain sets of forms to new ones, it would be years to centuries
before a change would occur that would be visible to future geologists,
because the actions of burrowing animals, currents, and similar factors mix
the sediment. Only when it becomes buried deep enough to be out of reach
of these factors does mixing stop. To accumulate so much rock in so
little time would also require rapid sediment accumulation.

The index fossils must have been deposited during the Flood if the rock
containing them was deposited and formed during the Flood. Using a
young-earth timescale, even before or after the Flood does not allow enough
time for the changes in fauna to take place and be deposited, if any
substantial part of the geologic coluumn is assigned to either interval.

>How would you differentiate between "stress-induced morphological change"
>and change resulting from evolution? Aren't both supposed to be gradual?

Stress-induced change would be unlikely to be either complete or
irreversible. However, one kind of fossil either gradually or more
abruptly disappears, either changing into or being replaced by another
kind. The first does not reappear.

>>Believe what you want, Reality only allows certain things to be true and
>>requires other things to be false.
>Unless God intervenes supernaturally. And the reality you speak of is
>experientially based; since we are all limited in our experiences, then
>we are also limited in our understanding of reality.

True, but one cannot honestly claim that the physical evidence supports an
explantion that invokes miracles or ignorance to explain why its
predictions do not match the evidence.

David C.