Re: Science Odyssey

Arthur V. Chadwick (
Mon, 19 Jan 1998 08:58:36 -0800

At 08:26 PM 1/19/97 -0600, Dick wrote:
>"Shaky"? How is it shaky? And the genetic record. Is it also shaky?
>Biological evolution, descent with modification, and shared common
>ancestry is part of the established paradigm. No one has presented
>reputable data in a contrary direction that will withstand scientific
>scrutiny. No one.

Wow. That is some finality. While I don't follow your argument, you do
leave little doubt as to your position on the nature of sience. I thought
science was a progress report, not a done deal. But maybe you are not a
scientist and don't look at it that way. That is understandable for
someone who doesn't have to deal with the vagaries of science on a daily
basis.... But then I guess you did include a lot of qualifiers in your
