Macro/micro from Homo erectus genes in us

From: David Campbell (
Date: Thu Jun 29 2000 - 16:21:33 EDT

  • Next message: Bryan Cross: "Re: Homo erectus genes in us"

    There is variation in the definition of macroevolution from a biological or
    paleontological viewpoint. Often, it refers to the idea that there are
    distinct evolutionary processes acting at the species level or above, not
    just the cummulative effect of population-level evolution. Taking this
    definition, one can believe in common descent of all organisms by the
    process of natural selection operating on mutations and still not believe
    in macroevolution. Conversely, macroevolution defined as all evolution
    above the species level, whether different or not, is widely accepted among
    YECs, or at least among those who are aware that it has been observed to
    happen. However, macroevolution has gained popularity in the past few
    years among YEC and ID folks as a term for evolution I do not believe in,
    whatever level that might constitute.

    David C.

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