Re: Methane in the Archean... and Enoch

From: George Murphy (
Date: Thu Jun 08 2000 - 09:16:37 EDT

  • Next message: Stein A. Strømme: "Re: Methane in the Archean... and Enoch"

    Stein A. Strømme wrote:
    > [Adam Crowl]
    > | Did you know that Jude quotes a prophecy from the "Book of Enoch"? We're
    > | talking about a multi-million year prophecy if your scenario is true.
    > Can you elaborate?

            The Book of Enoch (I Enoch) is a collection of Jewish writings originating
    probably between 200 B.C. & the beginning of the Christian era. The likelihood that
    any of it goes back to an antediluvian patriarch is slim. Jude 14-15 is a fairly
    accurate quotation of I Enoch 1:9. I Enoch may have had other, & more important,
    influences on Jesus & the NT writers but this is (I think) the only direct quotation
    from it in the NT.
            On the general topic of attributions of authorship, is everyone who refers to
    the Iliad or Odyssey as "Homer" commiting him or herself to the belief that both poems
    were written by an individual named Homer?

    George L. Murphy

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