Defense against Pantrog's harassment (#5)

Date: Thu Apr 12 2001 - 01:09:18 EDT

  • Next message: "More of Pantrog's harassment"

    DNAunion: Now, do those show someone who has already blown his top? Not at

    Here's another one from the 23rd. I'm not claiming to be an angel, but
    notice that all I say is that my opponent dodged my question (my question was
    quite clear, and he did not answer it, but switched topics). Then note how
    my opponent responds. First, his emoticon was a "thumbs down". Furthermore,
    he refers to me as being "paranoid", "hostile", and "upset". Well, I wasn't
    upset until he did all of that!


    07/23/2000 07:07 pm (retrieved on 04/11/2001 at 10:05 pm, post was unedited
    by me at that time)

    WWASIAUC: ... [IDists] main point of contention with Darwinian evolution is
    that they don't believe it is capable of performing all the feats attributed
    to it - for example, turning a putative pool of simple organic molecules into
    the first cells.

    Tiny THinker: ... Not every scientist thinks purely darwinian (i.e.
    neo-darwinian) evolutuion works the way the synthetic model predicts, but
    they don't all run to ID. It is one thing to say that individuals and sets
    may have unknown properties that could suggest alternative mechanisms
    (regulatory genes as per my other replies here).

    WWASIAUC: Regulatory genes were not even around prior to or during
    abiogenesis, so how do they fit in here?

    What evidence is there that the first cell(s) could have formed naturally?
    Further, what evidence is there that any such evidence of a potential path
    relates to the path actually taken? Well, the second question is a bit ahead
    of its time, since we still don't have even a single series leading from
    "prebiotic soup" to "cell".

    Tiny Thinker: Was addressing evolution not abiogenesis.

    WWASIAUC: Then do you always dodge the question (if you will note, I
    explicitly asked you about a supposed prebiotic soup giving rise to the first
    cells - then your answer dealt with structural genes).

    Also, note that abiogenesis is Darwinian evolution. Here you go again - more
    material from my personal notes:

    [many quotes from mainstream texts snipped as they are irrelevant to the
    "fight" that is building]


    07/23/2000 09:34 pm (retrieved on 04/11/2001 at 10:09 pm, post was unedited
    by Tiny Thinker at that time)

    WWASIAUC: Then do you always dodge the question (if you will note, I
    explicitly asked you about a supposed prebiotic soup giving rise to the first
    cells - then your answer dealt with structural genes).

    Tiny Thinker: I have been replying to YOU and to JJ. I missed the part where
    you asked about abiogenesis. This is not dodging anything, and your hostile
    and paranoid attitude does not serve you well. I have corrected this error
    and posted a reply on the thread starting "Cosmological Coincidences". Go
    there if you wish to discuss this stuff, rather than posting more and more
    new threads with a laundry list of snipped quotes. It's inefficient and you
    seem to get upset if I miss something.

    DNAunion: Note how I am actually PARTICIPATING in the discussion forum,
    unlike Pantrog. And unlike Pantrog, my soul purpose at MetaCrocks was not to
    insult/ridicule a single person or single web site every chance I had.

    I think it is crystal clear that between the two of us, it was Pantrog who
    was the aggressor/instigator at MetaCrock's.

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