Re: Ancient Chinese 'Bird' Used Feathers to Fly

From: Stephen E. Jones (
Date: Tue Dec 12 2000 - 16:27:56 EST

  • Next message: Chris Cogan: "Limits on evolution"


    Here are excerpts from recent web articles with my comments in square
    brackets. I post these on other Lists I am on, so apologies if some of them
    have already been posted here.


    ===================================================== Yahoo!
    ... December 7 ... Ancient Chinese 'Bird' Used Feathers to Fly Study ...
    WASHINGTON (Reuters) - One of the earliest birds ever found used its
    feathers to fly, Chinese scientists reported ... in a paper that other experts
    said laid to rest any ideas that modern birds evolved from dinosaurs. But
    scientists will probably continue to ruffle feathers over the origin-of- birds
    debate, which heats up every few months as reports come out on fossils of
    what look like birds ... Zhang and ... Zhou ... found a 120 million-year-old
    bird that clearly had feathers and that clearly flew. ... the starling-sized bird
    is called Protopteryx fengningensis. "The body of Protopteryx was
    extensively covered by feathers, which were preserved as carbonized traces
    or structured imprints," .... "The down feathers almost covered the whole
    body." They said it had several features in common with modern flying
    birds, such as a procoracoid process, a structure of the pelvis. "In modern
    birds, the development of the procoracoid is an indicator of flight ability,"
    they wrote. "Poor fliers such as pheasants have a reduced procoracoid.
    True fliers, such as perching birds and hawks, have a well- developed
    procoracoid." The feathers on the creature have many scale-like qualities,
    which the researchers say show that feathers evolved from scales in distinct
    stages. They propose that feathers evolved through four stages, in which
    scales became elongated, developed a central shaft, sprouted strands called
    barbs one each side, and finally developed a more complex network of
    smaller strands called barbules. Protopteryx's feathers look like they come
    from somewhere in the middle of this process. ... Alan Feduccia ... who has
    led the argument that birds did not descend from dinosaurs, calls the paper
    "extraordinarily important." "Here we have what could well be an
    intermediate stage in the evolution of feathers and one of most intriguing
    things about them is they are quite scale-like," ... "Beyond question it was a
    flying bird," he added ... Feduccia said it helps show that feathered
    dinosaurs, thought by some to have been the ancestors of modern birds,
    were no such thing. "In a sense they really tell us that recent discoveries in
    China, these dinosaurs with putative feathers, what they call dino-fuzz,
    really could have nothing to do with the origin of feathers." He thinks the
    structures found on some dinosaur fossils may represent collagen or some
    other substance, not feathers, as some scientists have proposed. Feduccia
    helped write a controversial report this past June on a 220- million-year-old
    animal called Longisquama that he and colleagues said had feathers. Other
    scientists have argued with the conclusion. Feduccia says Thursday's paper
    supports his argument that birds descend from an ancestor that pre-dates
    the dinosaur. "The true origin of birds is still up in the air," he said. ... [At
    120 mya, this is ~25 myrs after Archaeopteryx (assuming the latter is not a
    fake). These four stages of feathers sounds interesting (and un-Darwinian),
    but bearing mind that Archaeopteryx had fully developed feathers ~25 mya
    earlier, they could be just feathers in different stages of growth, or an
    artifact of fossil preservation, or like Longisquama (see below), seeing
    what one wants to be there.]
    Yahoo! ... December 6 ... Study: Human Evolutionary Tree Rooted in
    Africa ... LONDON (Reuters) - The "Out of Africa" theory that modern
    man evolved there and spread across the world got a boost ... with new
    research tracing humans from diverse ethnic and geographical backgrounds
    back to that continent. ... scientists used mitochondrial DNA -genetic
    material in a cell that is passed unchanged from mother to child -from 53
    people to show that the human evolutionary tree is firmly rooted in Africa.
    "This is the first study in which the genome is being used in a sufficiently
    large number of individuals to come up with very strong evidence, in this
    case supporting the 'Out of Africa' theory," ... The biologist and geneticist
    ... said that even scientists who believe modern humans evolved
    simultaneously in several parts of the globe would now have to
    acknowledge that humans originate largely from Africa. ... The people
    came from different continents and populations. Because mitochondrial
    DNA is inherited only via the mother, it is a good way to trace genetic
    lineage. The results ... show that all the people tested have origins in Africa
    and that the migration from the continent began 52,000 years ago, not
    100,000 years ago as was previously thought. "Our results point to
    something around 52,000 years ago. Other estimates have pointed to
    100,000 years ago but I think we have more accurate information," .... a
    commentary ... described the Swedish research as the most thorough
    analysis yet of divergences in human mitochondrial DNA. ... Hedges ...
    added that ... some Africans are closer to Europeans and Asians than to
    other Africans. ... See also: [I
    broadly agree with the `Out-of-Africa'hypothesis (which is IMHO closer to
    the Biblical picure-it was originally called the "Noah's Ark hypothesis"-and
    was not the preferred evolutionary model). However, because the Near
    East is so close to Africa and there is evidence of migration between the
    two, I am still holding open the possibility of an eventual `Out-of-Israel'
    hypothesis. This final migration ~52 kya is also conistent with my view of a
    regional but anthropologically universal Noahic Flood.]
    BBC ... 5 December, 2000 ... Domestic breeds head for extinction ... Many
    breeds of domestic animal are threatened with extinction, according to the
    United Nations Food and Agriculture Agency (FAO). ... FAO experts say
    that 1,000 different breeds of domestic animal have become extinct during
    the past century and a third of surviving breeds are endangered. ... The
    problem is the success of breeders in the developed world in exporting
    animals which have been bred to produce more and better meat or milk.
    They go to developing countries where they may lack resistance to
    unfamiliar diseases. ... Beata Sherf of the FAO explains: "We can't rely only
    on a handful of animals, because animal breeds are adapted to their special
    environments and if you transfer them to other environments they don't
    produce as well as in the environment they have been adapted to. "You
    may just imagine a racing car ... on rough gravel roads. The performance
    would not be the same as on the racing circuit. "And the same applies to
    animal breeds - if you transfer improved, highly productive breeds from
    developed countries into developing countries, with big stresses in terms of
    climate, disease and so on, these animals won't produce as in their country
    of origin." ... [Another example of the limits of biological change, contrary
    to Darwin's belief that there was "no limit to this power... of natural
    selection" (see tagline for example of Darwin's use of rhetoric to carry this
    crucial points in his theory.)]
    BBC ... 6 December, 2000 ... Feathery fossil sheds light on flight origins ...
    The fossil of a tiny, feathered dinosaur that lived 124 million years ago in
    what is now China could reveal clues about the origins of bird flight. The
    creature, named Microraptor, closes the gap in the fossil record between
    large meat-eating dinosaurs and what is thought to be the earliest bird,
    Archaeopteryx. The crow-sized dinosaur did not fly but had clawed feet
    that it probably used to climb trees. The discovery adds weight to the
    theory that small dinosaurs took to the branches to escape predators,
    gradually developing flight. Many of the new animals are helping to plug
    the gap between birds and dinosaurs once and for all ... Other scientists
    argue that fast- running, bipedal dinosaurs evolved the wings, feathers and
    muscle structure needed to take-off from the ground. ... The Microraptor
    fossil came from a rock formation in western Liaoning, north-east China,
    that has yielded more than 1,000 specimens of early birds and feathered
    dinosaurs. ... Scientific scrutiny revealed an adult creature about the size of
    a crow, with curved claws similar to those used by perching birds.
    Microraptor has been classified as the smallest non-flying member of the
    theropods, two-legged meat-eaters that walked the planet between 230
    million and 66.4 million years ago. The find "further shortens the
    morphological gaps between dinosaurs and birds," said Dr Xu. "It suggests
    that the paleoecology ... of some bird-like dinosaurs is similar to that of
    early birds," he added. ... The fossil is important because it could resolve a
    scientific debate about the origins of bird flight. ... "The new animal shows
    a number of modifications to the hips, tail and teeth which are in some
    ways intermediate between those of advanced meat-eating dinosaurs and
    birds. "There also appear to have been feathers, adding more evidence to
    the view that feathers and feather-like structures predated the origin of
    birds. "Finally, some of the anatomical specialisations of the feet hint at a
    tree- dwelling habit - this runs contrary to what most scientists think
    happened in the origin of birds. "The consensus has it that birds evolved
    from the 'ground-up' from fast running animals that gradually took to the
    air through becoming more efficient leapers. "This paper suggests that
    there might be some currency in an older, less fashionable idea that birds
    are descended from tree dwellers that evolved flight though a number of
    intermediate gliding phases." ... See also: [Again, at 124
    mya, this is 20 myrs later than Archaeopteryx (assuming the latter is not a
    fake-see next), so this Microraptor may just be a true bird on the way
    `down' to becoming flightless. But that interpretation doesn't bring fame
    and fortune!]
    BBC ... 7 December, 2000 ... Dinosaur exposed as fake The museum has
    displayed the creature for 116 years A dinosaur on display at a Welsh
    museum has been unmasked as an "elaborate fake". Officials at the
    National Museum of Wales in Cardiff thought the fossilised creature which
    has been on display for more than a century - was a perfect specimen of the
    marine reptile Icthyosaurus. But when they decided the skeleton needed a
    modern facelift it was discovered it was a forgery. Instead of being one
    complete creature, the specimen is made up of two different sea creatures.
    ... The skull was that of an Icthyosaurus communis and embedded in a grey
    rock. But the body was found to be that of a similar creature called
    Leptonectes tenuirostris in a light brown rock. Other bones were made out
    of plaster and stuck into the rock to make them look real while one flipper
    was also a fake. "We have thought all along that it was a perfect specimen
    of an Icthyosaurus," ... "But you have got to hand it to the Victorians for
    pulling off such a trick and fooling us all these years." The skeleton is now
    being cleaned up and will be put back on display as an example of how the
    Victorians faked the exhibit. ... [If a museum can be fooled for 116 years,
    then it seems reasonable to wonder how many other fossils are fakes?]
    CNN ... Quasar unseats galaxy as most distant object in universe
    November 30, 2000 ... (CNN) -- A galaxy in the vicinity of the Big Dipper
    has lost its title as most distant object known in the universe, NASA
    scientists said ... The new king of cosmic distances ... is a quasar more than
    10 billion light years way. Astronomers stripped the title from the faint
    galaxy informally known as Sharon after using improved techniques to
    estimate its distance. They determined it was much closer than originally
    thought. Scientists ... first reported Sharon in 1999. They then calculated
    its distance at about 12.5 billion light years, the equivalent to looking back
    in time to some 600 million years after the Big Bang. ... new observations
    indicate the galaxy is likely about 10 billion light years away. ... [Note the
    shortening age of the universe at 13.1 bya. Since life on Earth is 3.9 byo
    this makes it hard for cosmic panspermia theories because life would have
    to originate elsewhere first, develop, and then travel to Earth before ~9
    bya. More evidence for an intelligently directed origin of life on Earth!]
    BBC ... 1 December, 2000 ... Black hole takes 'light snack' ... An animation
    of the fast-moving stars at the centre of our galaxy shows up clearly the
    location where a massive black hole is thought to reside. ... The centre of
    our galaxy is a strange and dramatic place. Gigantic rotating gas rings can
    be seen there, as well as stars travelling in excess of 1,000 kilometres per
    second around a very massive central object. The presence of a black hole
    there has been suspected for some time because of the nature of the faint
    radiation coming from the location and the motion of the fast-moving stars.
    Sustained observation has allowed astronomers to pinpoint with
    unprecedented accuracy the hole's location, known as Sagittarius A* (Sgr
    A*). It is about 26,000 light-years from Earth. ... Ghez ... has provided the
    best estimate yet of the mass of the object - about 2.6 million times that of
    the Sun. But her images, obtained using the 10-metre Keck telescope on
    Hawaii, also give an eloquent demonstration of what is happening in this
    extraordinary region of space. They indicate the black hole at Sgr A* is
    going through what appears to be a new "feeding" phase, pulling in more
    gas. "If we do think the black hole is going through a slightly larger feeding
    phase at the moment, it is tiny compared to what other galaxies are doing,"
    .... "In fact, this is still a very quiet black hole in spite of the fact that there
    might be new emission from it." ... [Another design parameter for life on
    Earth? A larger, more active central black hole might make life on Earth
    ml CNN ... Scientists discover possible microbe from space ... November
    24, 2000 ... (CNN) -- An international team of scientists has recovered
    microorganisms in the upper reaches of the atmosphere that could have
    originated from outer space, a participant in the study said Friday. The
    living bacteria, plucked from an altitude of 10 miles (16 km) or higher by a
    scientific balloon, could have been deposited in terrestrial airspace by a
    passing comet, according to the researchers. The microorganisms are
    unlike any known on Earth [false-see below], but the astrobiologists "want
    to keep the details under wraps until they are absolutely convinced that
    these are extraterrestrial," said ... Chandra Wickramasinghe ... NASA said
    the finding is likely to meet considerable skepticism in the scientific
    community. "Aerobiologists might argue that 10 miles is not too high for
    Earth life to reside, a possibility that Wickramasinghe appears to accept,"
    ... However, NASA said, a compelling case can be made for the transport
    of microorganisms through space aboard comets and meteors. "A recent
    discovery indicates that microbes can remain dormant for millions of years
    -- enough time to travel from planet to planet," ... Wickramasinghe ... does
    acknowledge the possibility that terrestrial bacteria could be kicked up into
    the stratosphere. Living fungal spores have been discovered at altitudes of
    7 miles (11 km). But observations from this and a related study suggest the
    presence of living bacteria far too high in the atmosphere to have originated
    from the surface of the planet, according to Wickramasinghe. "What is
    present in the upper atmosphere, critics will say it came from the ground.
    That is a serious possibility at 15 kilometers, but at 40 or 85 kilometers,
    you can forget about it," ... Wickramasinghe and colleague Sir Fred Hoyle
    .... Looking at spectral data from the 1999 Leonid meteorite shower, they
    detected a bacterial "fingerprint" as the tiny space rocks streaked across the
    sky at a height of 51 miles (83 km) ... Along with Hoyle, Wickramasinghe
    pioneered "panspermia," [false] the theory that outer space seeded Earth
    with its first life forms about 4 billion years ago. Wickramasinghe holds
    that primitive life could still be arriving from space. "If we find microbes at
    great heights that are not contaminants from the ground, we have to
    wonder where they came from. One hundred tons of comet and meteor
    organic debris is deposited in the atmosphere every day." ... The location of
    the microbe is what most impressed Wickramasinghe, not the composition.
    It seems like a novel strain of a common bacteria genus on Earth, he said.
    ... [This sounds like clutching at straws. Even if these bacteria had been
    arriving via comets, they would be now common on Earth. It is amazing that
    H&W can believe that bacteria can blow millions of kms across interstellar
    space, but not that they can blow 80 kms up in the atmosphere! Anyway,
    this bacterium was only 16 kms high. And AFAIK spectrographic analysis
    cannot differentiate between live bacteria and their separate, non-living
    chemical constituents.]
    ... December 7, 2000 ...(CNN) -- A new study of lunar meteorites strongly
    suggests that the moon and Earth suffered a brief but cataclysmic
    bombardment of asteroids almost 4 billion years ago at roughly the same
    time that life formed on our planet. The flurry of killer space rocks could
    have had major consequences on early Earth evolution, whether smashing
    the building blocks of primordial life or delivering them to the planet in the
    first place, researchers said. The burst of impacts lasted from 20 million and
    200 million years, flanked in time by periods of relative calm. The rain of
    meteorites or comets melted rocks, blasted out craters and reshaped the
    surface across the entire moon ... The bombardment would have produced
    the great basins that now shape the man in the moon. On Earth, the same
    cataclysm would have affected the evolution of life, possibly forcing it to
    begin anew ... "Earth would have been bombarded by at least 10 times as
    many impact events as the moon, and these impact cratering processes are
    immense," lunar geologist David Kring said ... The findings are based
    studies of four lunar meteorites -- rocks that were ejected at random from
    the moon's surface and landed on Earth after a million or so years in space.
    The scientists applied a sophisticated dating technique to the meteorites to
    determine when the lunar bombardment occurred. The Chixculub crater ...
    "is puny by the scheme of we are talking about. Here we are talking about
    impacts that are 10 times larger, impacts that blasted craters rim to rim the
    size of continents on Earth today," ... The blasts would have vaporized the
    oceans and filled the atmosphere with a life-choking fog, all but eliminating
    terrestrial life if it existed. ... Unlike the lifeless moon, where the ancient
    scarring remained easily visible, the Earth has blotted out signs of the
    cataclysm through erosion and natural geologic changes over the eons.
    Rather than death, ancient meteorites or comets could have brought life,
    some scientists theorize. Proponents of a theory called "panspermia"
    suggest that complex organic molecules or even primitive life forms seeded
    the Earth after riding aboard rocky or icy cosmic debris. Previous analysis
    on lunar rocks returned by the Apollo and Luna missions in the 1970s
    suggested that the moon took a pounding near the equator where the
    samples originated. But a sophisticated examination of lunar meteorites
    now offers strong evidence that the maelstrom hammered the entire lunar
    surface ... [More on this. The almost `instantaneous' origin of life on Earth
    between the late heavy bombardment ~3.9 bya and the first trace fossils of
    complex photosynthesing bacteria ~3.85 bya, is good evidence for an
    intelligently directed origin of life or panspermia. However panspermia has
    *huge* problems of its own. IMHO the best hypothesis that fits all the
    facts and has the least difficulties is an intelligently directed origin of life
    on Earth!]

    "If, then, animals and plants do vary, let it be ever so slightly or slowly,
    why should not variations or individual differences, which are in any way
    beneficial, be preserved and accumulated through natural selection, or the
    survival of the fittest? If man can by patience select variations useful to
    him, why, under changing and complex conditions of life, should not
    variations useful to nature's living products often arise, and be preserved or
    selected? What limit can be put to this power, acting during long ages and
    rigidly scrutinising the whole constitution, structure, and habits of each
    creature,-favouring the good and rejecting the bad? I can see no limit to
    this power, in slowly and beautifully adapting each form to the most
    complex relations of life. The theory of natural selection, even if we look
    no farther than this, seems to be in the highest degree probable." (Darwin
    C.R., "The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection," [1872],
    Everyman's Library, J.M. Dent & Sons: London, 6th Edition, 1928, reprint,
    Stephen E. Jones | Ph. +61 8 9448 7439 |

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