Re: Pascal's wager (was ID *does* require a designer! (but it does not need to i

From: Chris Cogan (
Date: Mon Dec 11 2000 - 17:08:14 EST

  • Next message: Chris Cogan: "Re: Pascal's wager (was ID *does* require a designer! (but it does not need to identify who ...)"

    At 05:36 PM 12/11/2000 -0500, you wrote:
    >Susan said:
    > >It's not so much that we mind our own business, but that we consider
    > >proselytizing to be in bad taste. :-)

    >As an agnostic I would never proselytize, but I regard ridiculing anyone's
    >religion in the worst possible taste.

    And, of course, truth is *much* less important than good taste, right?

    Besides, you have repeatedly claimed that Darwinism/Naturalism is a
    religion *and* you have repeatedly *ridiculed* it. Wouldn't that be bad
    taste, by your own claims? Just asking.

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