Fw: Why? there ain't no why to it (for you).

From: silk (smbc1@wxs.nl)
Date: Wed Nov 29 2000 - 08:33:36 EST

  • Next message: Ralph Krumdieck: "Re: Que sera, sera!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: <BlipBland@netscape.net>
    My question is, what are these boys hanging around the rest area for anyway? Why aren't they doing something constructive as part of the larger society?

    Silk here:
    Psychiatrists delve into our brains & physiologists map out our bodies & geneticists trace our DNA & the iron grip of heredity & as they do so they discover how little control or responsibility, if any, we have over our actions but yet most continue to cling to this "free will" non-sense! We all are characters in a book, the author is the uncreated creator (god to many). "We do what we do (our part) because it's the only thing we can do! We have no free will! You came from your mother & father, they came from their mother & father & they came from their.......It's a long, long line going back to the "beginning" were that ever & will be to the end be that ever! Just as surely as you inherited you physical constitution your mental constitution was also inherited, well not actually inherited but rather set forth by the unproduced producer (god to many) to be so! You are on a journy you are helpless to change. The earth is a wasting asset charging idiotically thru space, man on its back like fleas on a dog! We don't know where we came from nor where we are going, why with any degree of certainty we don't even know where we are! I'm not religious, I'm not an atheist & I'm not a "Deist", I simply do not know however because I'm human & have seen with my own eyes most things come from something I am wont to believe that things come from things so I believe their is something? I'm agnostic. There is however one kink in this cable: If I ever do encounter the uncreated creator (god to many) I shall say "ok I can accept the fact that you made (were responsible for) me but who made you"? The unproduced producer (god to many) might very well say "I was never made I have always been! You with your measly 5 senses [which I endowed you with] can't fathom such a thing as "always been" never-the-less simply because "little ole you" can't fathom something means nothing except that you can't fathom it! N'est-ce pas? I programmed you to see "things" with a certain perspective: hot - cold - up - down - fast - slow, however these are "earth laws" & don't hold true elsewhere like maybe in a black hole. You wouldn't be able to understand even if I told you!" Knowing your weakness is your greatest strength! If man continues to concentrate his search for the "mind' to that area between his ears he will never find it!


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