Re: Phil Johnson on the Second Law of Thermodynamics

Date: Fri Nov 10 2000 - 21:24:28 EST

  • Next message: "Re: Phil Johnson on the Second Law of Thermodynamics"


    >>>David Bowman: ... It is clear to anyone who does know what entropy is,
    and who knows what kinds of processes that happen to occur in the Sun that
    the entropy of the Sun *is decreasing* with time as Richard reports.

    DNAunion: I will take that as a favorable remark towards my understanding of
    thermodynamics (whether you meant it as such or not). Why? Because I was
    correct when I said ...

    >>>DNAunion: [Whether or not the entropy of the sun is decreasing or not]
    Seems like an irrelevant point to me. Anyway, there would be nothing wrong
    with the sun's entropy decreasing because the sun increases the entropy of
    the surroundings in compensation.

    DNAunion: I did not give details (as the topic was irrlevant to life, as I
    pointed out to Richard). You did give details:

    >>>David Bowman: What *is* increasing in entropy is a) the electromagnetic
    field which is carrying (and whose elementary excitations include) the
    outbound photons of solar radiation streaming away from the Sun, and b) the
    neutrino field whose excitations include the outbound neutrinos which result
    as a byproduct of the production of the nuclear neutrons (in the He-4
    product) from the reactant protons.

    DNAunion: My very short summarization covers this: we are both saying that
    the Sun is increasing the entropy of its surroundings.

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