Dembski on A-E-S triad

From: Wesley R. Elsberry (
Date: Wed Oct 11 2000 - 12:04:04 EDT

  • Next message: Susan Cogan: "Re: Why I don't reject ID"

    For FMAJ, here's what Dembski says about the A-E-S triad and
    intelligent agents.


    The actualization of one among several competing
    possibilities, the exclusion of the rest, and the
    specification of the possibility that was actualized
    encapsulate how we recognize intelligent agents.
    Actualization-Exclusion-Specification - this triad - provides
    a general scheme for recognizing intelligence, be it animal,
    human, or extraterrestrial. Actualization establishes that
    the possibility in question is the one that actually occurred.
    Exclusion establishes that there was genuine contingency
    (i.e., that there were other live possibilities, and that
    these were ruled out). Specification establishes that the
    actualized possibility conforms to a pattern given
    independently of its actualization.

    Now where does choice, that defining characteristic of
    intelligent agency, figure into this criterion? The problem
    is that we never witness choice directly. Instead, we witness
    actualizations of contingency that might be the result of
    choice (i.e., directed contingency), but that also might be
    the result of chance (i.e., blind contingency). Now there is
    only one way to tell the difference - specification.
    Specification is the only means available to us for distinguishing
    choice from chance, directed contingency from blind contingency.
    Actualization and exclusion together guarantee that we are dealing
    with contingency. Specification guarantees we are dealing with
    a directed contingency. The Actualization-Exclusion-Specification
    triad is therefore precisely what we need to identify choice and
    therewith intelligent agency.

    [End Quote - WA Dembski, TDI, pp.63-64]

    For Dembski, if A-E-S is found then intelligent agency is

    I maintain that the A-E-S triad is a characteristic of natural
    selection. This can be seen clearly by examining each element
    of the triad and comparing it to natural selection.
    Actualization - heritable variation arises. Exclusion - some
    heritable variations lead to differential reproductive
    success, so that some heritable variation increases in
    representation and other heritable variation decreases in
    representation in the population. Specification -
    environmental conditions specify which variations are
    preferred, and thus yield directed contingency.


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