Re: RM&NS and the whale (was But is it science)

From: Susan Brassfield Cogan (
Date: Mon Oct 09 2000 - 09:25:28 EDT

  • Next message: Wesley R. Elsberry: "Information request re: Dawkins' "weasel" algorithm"

    >Stephen quotes Wesley:

    > >>So when asked to give hard evidence of random mutation and natural
    > >>selection accomplishing anything *today*, Darwinists either downplay
    > >>RM&NS and talk of other mechanisms, or they present evidence of
    > >>something *trivial* (like fluctuating colours in moths or length of
    > finches'
    > >>beaks), and even then there is some doubt that RM&NS was responsible.
    >SB>good god! (or deity of your choice) You quoted a participating member of
    > >this list out of context! ROFL!!!
    >This is just bluster. There was no "quote...out of context"
    >SB>Wesley was talking about *isolating* one of the mechanisms of evolution
    > >from the the others.
    >Agreed. One of the "mechanisms" (in fact the *only* one mentioned) was
    >"Natural selection".
    >SB>He didn't say it didn't exist
    >I didn't say anything above about whether "Natural selection" "didn't exist".
    >SB>or couldn't be observed.
    >I didn't say "Natural selection" "couldn't be observed".
    >Susan said "we can watch ... natural selection happen every day ..." Wesley
    >said "Natural selection, though, is notoriously difficult to empirically
    >as a mechanism of action."
    >How can Susan "watch" something "happen every day" that is "notoriously
    >difficult to empirically isolate"? IOW how does Susan know she is watching
    >"Natural selection"?

    Wesley was talking about isolating natural selection from drift and my
    understanding was that he was talking about populations over a large amount
    of time. You see natural selection every time you spray for roaches or
    don't take all your antibiotics.



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