Re: Designing

Date: Fri Oct 06 2000 - 02:03:47 EDT

  • Next message: "Re: WHY DOES THE UNIVERSE WORK?"

    In a message dated 10/5/00 5:48:38 PM Dateline Standard Time, writes:

    << All that is required is that ID work. Given the rosy picture
     painted by various DI CRSC fellows of the scientific vistas
     that ID and especially Dembski's DI will enable when adopted,
     surely this cannot be doubted as the rockbottom test of ID's
     value. >>

    Wesley doesn't get it either. ID doesn't have to work to prove
    design. ID does not have to work to exclude non-teleological
    causation. ID does not have to work to convince Wesley
    R. Elsberry. It only has to work to generate understanding
    about our biotic world. That's all. It's that simple. And the
    best thing of all is that I don't have to hope or speculate that
    ID might work in this way someday. I have already experienced
    it to work in this way.

    It is the world, and not some community defined by their
    games rules, that will be the judge.


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