The future for ID

Date: Wed Oct 04 2000 - 13:12:42 EDT

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    Hi Mike,
    I hope it is "in the cards", and please do explain further.

    Many scientists, cosmologists, physicists, etc., seem able to address
    questions of teleology and philosophies other than materialism. Theories
    such as the Big Bang or the expanding universe can be discussed and even
    challenged without bringing out the anti-religion fanatics. If teleology is
    ever acknowledged as a possibility by science, I agree that such a movement
    must start with the scientists themselves. However, I don't see signs of
    such tolerance among biologists. They seem capable of ensuring that
    biologists toe the line. If ID doesn't survive as a scientific concept,
    perhaps it will succeed in defining the issues for some of the public. Among
    ID supporters in this discussion group at the moment, you, DNAunion, Nelson,
    and I are not religious (as far as I know). Although Stephen is religious,
    he his reasons for skepticism of Darwinism are scientific. Surely a time
    will come when neo Darwinists will have to stop claiming all opposition to
    "random variation and natural selection" equals religious fundamentalism.


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