Re: intelligence without a brain

From: Ivar Ylvisaker (
Date: Mon Oct 02 2000 - 01:40:19 EDT

  • Next message: "Re: WHY DOES THE UNIVERSE WORK?"

    When people claim that everything that is real can be validated by
    science, they are philosophizing. This is not a scientific claim.

    Creativity/spontaneity/free will are what they are regardless of how
    they arose. Some people seem to believe that these things are
    worthwhile only if they are "created" by a god or by some great
    wizard. There are usually hidden assumptions that the god or wizard
    will look human, can speak English (or Aramaic), and has powers that
    we regard as magical.

    Conceivably, there is such a god or great wizard. But I don't know
    why this has to be true. If creativity/spontaneity/free will arose
    from matter and if the possibility of human creativity, etc. is
    inherent in matter, what is bad about that?

    For that matter, what is matter?


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