Re: evidence against Darwinism-there isn't any!

From: Susan Brassfield Cogan (
Date: Tue Aug 29 2000 - 15:20:51 EDT

  • Next message: "Re: ID vs. ?"

    Stephen Jones:

    >Maybe Richard (or any other evolutionist) would be able to post what they
    >consider "the most telling points against it", i.e. Evolution?
    >I have asked this question from time to time on this List, and from memory I
    >have *never* yet had a reply.

    Interesting question. I think you are assuming that someone is in doubt
    about whether evolution occured. Except for a few creationists there are
    not many.

    I can think of lots of things that would falisfy evolution, if true. But
    that's about it.


    What is the evidence against the helio-centric solar system? What is the
    evidence against the Theory of Gravity? It's only a theory after all.
    What's the evidence against the the existence of the American Civil War?

    What evidence do *you* have against it? The Cambrian Explosion ain't it.
    Even we were 100% certain that was the actual Christian Creation Event(tm)
    things have been evolving ever since.



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