Re: A Baylor scientist on Dembski

From: Susan Brassfield (
Date: Sat Aug 19 2000 - 10:40:36 EDT

  • Next message: "A Baylor scientist on Dembski"

    At 06:11 PM 08/17/2000 -0400, Bertvan wrote

    >I've read your post several times, wishing I could think of something to say
    >except "I agree". I am intrigued by the indignation shown by those
    >supporting "evolution" when anyone suggests even considering anything but
    >"random variation and natural selection". No one knows what produces
    >variation -- pure chance, use, intrinsic design, God or whatever.

    It has been observed directly that mutations are one cause of variation.
    Even if the rest of your list "God or whatever" is involved, mutation is
    *one* of the ways variation occurs. Darwin knew nothing about mutations or
    genes but he observed that there is variation and natural selection and
    those are the things upon which his theory is based.

    >It is
    >probably s slow and subtle process, and concrete evidence may never be
    >conclusive. My favorite explanation would be a form of Lamarckism,
    >influenced by free will. Intelligently designed by life itself.

    You are perfectly free to construct your own fiction. (I've written three
    novels, I'm a fiction expert!) However if you present them as ideas in a
    forum such as this your ides *will* be discussed, analyzed and probably
    refuted if they have no underpinnings. If you want to share your personal
    fantasies without discussion you should be subscribed to something like


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