Re: More about teaching the controversy

From: Susan Brassfield Cogan (
Date: Mon Aug 14 2000 - 10:44:54 EDT

  • Next message: "Another ID argument"


    >The truth is, many scientists admit they don't know an explanation for macro
    >evolution. Rather than admit such ignorance, the Kansas school board deleted
    >any reference to macro evolution. What are they going to do now? State that
    >random mutation and natural selection are responsible for macro evolution?
    >State that they have an explanation of macro evolution, but it is too
    >complicated for the ignorant public to understand? I would love to see the
    >Darwinist position defined so clearly.

    The original Kansas Standards are on the web at:

    find out for yourself what they would have required to be taught--and will
    again as soon as Kansas finishes booting the creationists off the school



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