Nightline last night

From: Wesley R. Elsberry (
Date: Fri Jul 28 2000 - 12:20:29 EDT

  • Next message: Brian D Harper: "Re: Van Till's chapter"

    Phil Johnson was on Nightline last night, and I found his performance
    interesting in several places. Two of those stood out, though.

    Questioned by Koppel on whether his "intelligent design theory" was
    actually fifty years older than Darwin's "Origin of Species",
    Johnson stated that the idea of divine creation was much older than
    that. So now we have even Phil Johnson confusing the theological
    concept of divine creation with IDT. If Johnson finds the two
    concepts so similar, why should ID critics be castigated for making
    the same conceptual association?

    Given the last word, Johnson cast opponents of ID as being
    uninterested in civil liberties, and in fact being like an Un-American
    Activities Investigating Committee. This contrasts with Dembski's
    analogy reported by Stephen Goode last year in which anti-ID
    biologists were supposedly like the former Soviet regime. Perhaps any
    analogy will do, so long as biologists become the villains.


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