Re: Parsimony

From: Brian D Harper (
Date: Sun Jun 18 2000 - 00:13:28 EDT

  • Next message: Richard Wein: "Re: macroevolution or macromutations?"

    At 03:34 PM 6/15/00 +0100, Richard wrote:


    > >OK, so we compare the predictions of the two models for the verification
    > >experiments. One model does a tremendous job "fitting" the experiment
    > >by any quantitative measure, such as square mean error, but does a
    > >really lousy job matching the overall "shape" of the data. The other model
    > >predicts the shape very well but is way way off quantitatively.
    >I'm not sure I understand you. How can a curve which gives you a much
    >smaller mean square error be a poorer fit to the shape?

    OK, lets suppose that the experimental data looks like a segment of a parabola
    and is concave up. One model has practically the same shape but is
    shifted vertically downward a good bit. This means the square mean error will
    be rather large. For the other model, imagine flipping the experimental
    data over
    so that its concave down. Then superimpose the two as best you can. The
    shape will be completely different but the square mean error will be much less
    than the other model.

    > >What would parsimony have to say in this situation?
    >Well now you can compare the two models on the basis of predictive success
    >*and* parsimony (simplicity). We would hope that the most parsimonious model
    >will have had the most predictive success, in which case the choice is easy.
    >Otherwise, we have to make a judgment about the relative weight of the two
    >There have been some significant developments recently in this area of
    >statistics, but I'm afraid I'm not up-to-date (I studied statistics over 20
    >years ago). For more info, try taking a look at:
    > and

    Thanks for these links. Very interesting. One thing I neglected to mention
    when I asked the question above was that this type of thing (model selection)
    is something that I've been doing for many years. In doing what I do, I never
    once read any type of philosophy about methodology. I just found things that
    work by experience. So, its very interesting seeing what philosophers have to
    say about it. How does what I do compare with their suggestions?

    Here's something I found right away (from the left column of your second link):

    ====begin quote==================
    The Scientific Method: Section 1.6 is on Occam's razor. The author
    claims that "The Razor doesn't tell us anything about the truth or
    otherwise of a hypothesis, but rather it tells us which one to test first. The
    simpler the hypothesis, the easier it is to shoot down." This is Sir Karl
    Popper's view of simplicity, which equates simplicity with falsifiability.
    My paper on The New Science of Simplicity argues that this viewpoint
    is wrong.

    The part in quotes is exactly what I was going to write as my own view on
    Occam. Except the part about easiest to shoot down. From my point of
    view that doesn't really enter the equation. The important point from my
    perspective is the razor not guaranteeing anything. It gives the direction
    of future searching. Why? Because I'm expecting that the best answer is
    going to be "simplest" in some way. My problem really is that (a) I cannot see
    how we can have any guarantee of this and (b) I cannot see how to quantify
    the notion of simplicity, it seems vague and subjective.

    The most fascinating part of the quote is Forsters claim that Popper's view
    is wrong. So, I've downloaded the paper in which this claim is argued and
    hope to read it soon. The implications of the claim are, to me, astounding.
    Thus, I am very skeptical right now :).

    Another interesting thing I found on the second link is the following:

    "However, the aim of model selection should also include the ability of a
    model to generalize to predictions in a different domain." -- Forster (from
    to <Key Concepts in Model Selection:Performance and Generalizability>

    OK, so I have to really like Forster now :). This is exactly the point I
    was trying
    to make in my original set up of my question. What I called the "model

    OK, let me give a couple of examples I thought of to muddy the waters :).
    Perhaps this
    will give me time to look at Forster's papers.

    Let's take what is supposedly a classic example of parsimony. Copernicus versus
    Ptolemy. Which is simpler? Well, Copernicus, obviously. In order to accurately
    predict, Ptolemy had to add over thirty deferents and epicycles (circles on
    What could be more absurd? Yet people who tell this story often forget to
    (probably they don't know :) that to predict with comparable accuracy,
    also required over thirty deferents and epicycles. So, if Copernicus is to
    be preferred
    over Ptolemy it must be for some reasons other than simplicity and predictive

    Now, we all know that Kepler improved this by squishing the circles
    slightly into
    ellipses. But one can reasonably argue here that parsimony stood in the way of
    the advance of science. Kepler wasted a lot of time because he was stuck on
    circles. Circles are simpler than ellipses. We also know that Kepler was very
    close to the inverse square law and to inertia. Could he perhaps have found
    had he not been stuck on simplicity? Of course, Kepler's formulation does,
    in the
    end, turn out to be simpler. But we see this after the fact. The key
    element seems
    to me to be Kepler's ability to put aside his metaphysical prejudices.

    As another example, I will note that we have examples where more than one
    survives. For example, extremum principles versus classical Newtonian
    Two ways of looking at the same thing, but yet one has not razored out the
    other on
    the basis of simplicity. Feynman discusses this in his great little book
    <The Character
    of Physical Law>:

    "One of the amazing characteristics of nature is the variety of
    interpretational schemes
    which is possible. It turns out that it is only possible because the laws
    are just so, special
    and delicate." Feynman

    This feature I would put under the heading of elegance. But again, like
    simplicity, it seems
    very subjective.

    I guess I have to add one of my favorite Feynman quotes:

    "... we have learned from much experience that all
    philosophical intuitions about what nature is going
    to do fail." -- Richard Feynman

    I used to have this in my sig but replaced it by Fats
    Waller's version of the same idea :).

    Well, enough for now, thanks for your response.

    Brian Harper
    Associate Professor
    Mechanical Engineering
    The Ohio State University
    "One never knows, do one?"
    -- Fats Waller

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