Re: Building the bridge between science, theology

From: Richard Wein (
Date: Tue May 30 2000 - 06:42:10 EDT

  • Next message: "ID"

    From: Stephen E. Jones <>

    >Maybe Richard really isn't covering anything up. But he *appears*
    >to be trying to hide something behind his ridicule, and that is what
    >count in my (and I am sure the public's) perception.

    Actually, I've been quite frank about my views (and am sometimes criticized
    for it). The true explanation is that I've seen that you're not open to
    rational arguments, so I sometimes resort to ridicule out of exasperation,
    and for the fun of it. Perhaps that doesn't reflect very well on me. Oh
    well, I'm only human.

    >BTW I meant to ask what exactly was wrong with my assumption:
    >"That Leishman does not get Dembski's name right, only adds to its
    >genuineness as a non-partisan opinion (I had never heard of him
    >before this)."
    >Does Richard really believe that a journalist (whose stock-in-trade
    >is words), could be a member of the ID movement and yet repeatedly
    >spell Dembski's name "Dembsky"?

    First of all, I've frequently seen ID supporters mis-spell Dembski's name as
    "Demski", so yes I can believe that a member of the ID movement could make
    such a mistake. Secondly, that a journalist repeatedly mis-spells a name
    doesn't inspire confidence that his views on Dembski's work are of any
    value--has he even read one of Dembski's books? Finally, this is just an
    incredibly flimsy appeal to authority.

    Richard Wein (Tich)

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