Date: Sat May 27 2000 - 20:03:38 EDT

  • Next message: Richard Wein: "Re: ID"

    >I have no objection to children debating any question that they're
    >interested in. The issue, though, is what should be taught in science
    >classes. Or maybe you think that science classes should be replaced by

    Hi, Richard. I would teach children that most scientists can be trusted.
    Most are generally objective and welcome challenges to any of their
    scientific theories. However, if scientists ever appeared emotionally
    committed to a scientific theory, taking criticism as a personal affront, I
    would warn students to be skeptical. I would warn students to be cautious
    of any theory defended by ridicule and intimidation, such as attacking the
    academic credentials of scientists suggesting alternatives. If scientists
    ever tried to limit consideration of alternatives to any theory, I would warn
    children to take a close look at those alternatives. If science should ever
    resorted to the courts to prevent any theory from being discussed in the
    classroom, I would urge students to take a close look at whatever was being
    banned. I would urge students to trust scientists, but scientists are
    human, and as susceptible as the rest of us to becoming emotionally involved
    with ideas.


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