Re: AIDS & South Africa: A Contrary Conference in Pretoria

From: Stephen E. Jones (
Date: Thu May 25 2000 - 20:04:23 EDT

  • Next message: Ami Chopine: "Re: ID"


    Here is an article on the AIDS conference in South Africa by a more
    open-minded reporter than most.







    Feature Celia Farber


    AIDS & South Africa
    A Contrary Conference in Pretoria

    In 14 years of AIDS journalism, I've never seen the AIDS leadership
    writhing in the kind of agony they now find themselves in daily. The
    prospect of having to debate, defend or quantify their paradigm is melting
    them down. Since last fall, when the government of South Africa
    announced that it would suspend AZT use while investigating its toxicity,
    the country that once symbolized oppression has emerged as a crucible of

    Over the past several months, the Western AIDS orthodoxy has been
    rendered increasingly deranged by South African President Thabo Mbeki's
    call for a reopening of the HIV-AIDS causation question. Before long they
    began earnestly calling for the criminal prosecution of AIDS dissidents.
    (This rabid wish was voiced by way of the mainstream AIDS media.)
    Fantastic, I say. Just make sure it's televised because Americans will
    recognize the face of at least one man being hauled off in handcuffs for
    supporting open debate on AIDS, and it won't be his first visit to the
    slammer: Nelson Mandela.

    Just last week, Mandela came out in support of Mbeki's "controversial"
    AIDS initiative, which has "AIDS activists" and "AIDS experts" around the
    world in fits of apoplexy. And this week, with Mbeki visiting Clinton, the
    stories all revolve around the disturbed emotional states of "AIDS
    activists" who don't quite know how to express their horror. Project
    Inform's Martin Delaney told the Times this weekend that "the fear here is
    that he'll dig in worse if he gets pressured."

    The trigger for all this strife was a simple, historic event: After months of
    deliberations and internal strife, Mbeki and the government of South Africa
    convened a two-day panel in Pretoria, May 6-7, at which 33 scientists
    deliberated about the evidence for and against HIV as the single and
    sufficient cause of AIDS worldwide. They also discussed the drugs used to
    combat it, and asked themselves whether the drugs have saved lives or
    ended lives. The AIDS orthodoxy was widely quoted as fuming about
    Mbeki wasting time on dead scientific questions while they themselves
    were busy saving lives. But the panel did take place, and I was there.

    If you've absorbed the situation thus far from the mainstream press, you've
    been left with the impression that the story is all about President Mbeki
    betraying his country, if not losing his mind altogether-Mbeki "trawling"
    the Internet late at night and "stumbling" across a few "obscure" American
    scientists who say HIV doesn't cause AIDS. What's consistently absent
    from reports on this subject is a statement not of conjecture but of fact:
    Mbeki did not fall under the spell of two American scientists who question
    HIV's role in AIDS (by which is meant Drs. David Rasnick and Peter
    Duesberg). The scientific opposition to the mainstream view of HIV and
    AIDS is in fact longstanding, formidable and far more extensive than two
    scientists. This opposition was first galvanized around retrovirology
    pioneer Peter Duesberg, who in 1987 wrote his first deconstruction of the
    hypothesis. Duesberg mapped the genetic structure of retroviruses, and
    was widely regarded as one of the leading retrovirologists in the world at
    the time of his first critique. In subsequent years, hundreds of scientists
    from around the world have joined the ranks of the dissenters, under the
    auspices of the Group for the Scientific Reappraisal of the HIV-AIDS
    Hypothesis, an opposition group that boasts up to 600 signatories, many of
    whom hold PhDs and two of whom hold Nobel Prizes.

    These are the so-called AIDS dissidents, now also labeled "AIDS
    denialists." On June 6, 1991, the initial signatories drafted a letter that
    stands as the working definition of an "AIDS dissident." The letter, which
    no major science journal would publish for years until Science finally
    relented in 1996, read as follows:

    It is widely believed by the general public that a retrovirus called HIV
    causes the group of diseases called AIDS. Many biochemical scientists now
    question this hypothesis. We propose that a thorough reappraisal of the
    existing evidence for and against this hypothesis be conducted by a suitable
    independent group. We further propose that critical epidemiological studies
    be devised and undertaken.

    Epidemiological studies? Whoever heard of anything so whacked? We all
    know HIV causes AIDS. Anybody who doubts it obviously doesn't care
    about the dead and dying.

    Seriously, this simple statement is all that lies at the heart of the maligned
    and despised AIDS dissident movement. That wish for a "thorough
    reappraisal" was behind the Pretoria conference in early May. Yet judging
    from media reports, you'd think that Mbeki had called for AIDS
    quarantines and tattoos for all HIV-positives.

    In fact, Mbeki's heresy consisted of opening up one large room at the
    Sheraton hotel in Pretoria, and placing along a rectangular table 33
    scientists with opposing views on what causes AIDS. About a dozen of
    them argued that no proof of causation has been established between HIV
    and AIDS. The others took the opposing, majority view.

    There was predictable response from some quarters. "It's irresponsibility
    that borders on criminality," a South African "medical graduate" and
    "respected intellectual" was quoted saying in the Sunday Herald of
    Glasgow. "Mbeki's position defies logic," said Dr. Ashraf Grimwood, the
    chairman of the South African National AIDS Convention, in the same
    article. "The suggestion that AIDS is not caused by HIV is totally at odds
    with what is happening on the ground. South Africans are burying wives,
    husbands, children, relations and friends every day. People are terrified.
    No-one has seen anything like it before. This country needs to get its
    priorities right, or it will hardly be a country at all." (Notice the leap of
    illogic from the first to the second sentence of that statement.)

    People are sick and dying in alarming numbers on the continent of Africa,
    but what is it that leads us to trace this phenomenon to sexual promiscuity
    and this particular retrovirus, when other complications abound? Why has
    AIDS not spread outside the original risk groups in any industrialized
    nation, yet where poverty is widespread, the virus (and AIDS) spreads like
    wildfire? The orthodox theory is that this is due to sexual promiscuity
    among Africans and a penchant for dry sex, rough sex and even sexual
    rituals involving monkey blood.

    "It isn't the facts that are in dispute," says African historian Charles
    Geshekter of California State University at Chico, who took part in
    advising Mbeki prior to the panel formation. "It's the theoretical construct
    behind the facts. Yes, there is a measurable decline in African health and
    increases in African mortality. What is in dispute is whether the symptoms
    of such illnesses are caused by extraordinary patterns of sexual behavior or
    whether the signs reflect the deterioration of life on the continent over the
    past 20 years. The breakdown and decline of public health and medical
    treatment across Africa is due largely if not entirely to domestic civil war,
    impossible levels of indebtedness and sharp declines in the prices paid for
    commodities produced by Africans. This is standard World Bank and IMF
    micro- and macro-analysis. Where's the mystery?"

    The statistics ubiquitously cited to demonstrate a plague of AIDS sweeping
    Africa are untrustworthy in the extreme, as virtually no statistics are kept
    on either rates of infection, numbers of deaths or causes of death on the
    whole continent. In addition, the shoddy test used there can cross-react
    with microbes endemic to the region, such as malaria. The "Bangui
    definition" of AIDS was published in Science in 1986; the diagnosis is
    AIDS if a patient has a persistent cough and two of three other conditions:
    "prolonged fevers (a month or more), weight loss of 10 percent or greater
    and prolonged diarrhea." In other words, people were diagnosed with
    AIDS without being given HIV tests.

    "According to the Global Burden of Disease Study (GBD), which is a
    WHO-sponsored project," says Geshekter, "Africa maintains the lowest
    percentage of vital statistics for cause of death of any continent in the
    world." The GBD estimates that statistics can be considered accurate on
    the continent for a microscopic 1.1 percent of all deaths.

    One of the South African dissidents on Mbeki's Pretoria panel, Dr. Sam
    Mhlongo, arrived at his own skepticism while working at a hospital in
    London in the mid-1980s. There he came across a group of patients from
    Uganda who, he was told, were all HIV-positive (on the ELISA test).
    After retesting them using more rigorous tests, he found that every one of
    them was in fact HIV-negative. "That's when I knew something was very,
    very wrong," he told me.

    The countries where AIDS supposedly rages in Africa are also afflicted by
    dire poverty and malnutrition. But the "massive effort" to combat AIDS
    that Mbeki is supposedly undermining with his skepticism amounts to
    widespread condom education and distribution, and the dumping of failed,
    toxic drugs onto a population that does not, in many cases, have access to
    food or clean water. AIDS advocates seem curiously unmoved by the
    practice of driving around to desperately poor villages in Africa and
    preaching condom use to people who don't have water. They also don't
    seem bothered by the fact that poor Africans are used in shoddy drug trials,
    pressured to sign consent forms they don't understand, manipulated by
    AIDS terror and told they will "probably die of HIV anyway." In one
    Nevarapine trial in South Africa, five pregnant women were recently killed
    by the drug, a protease inhibitor; others suffered debilitating side effects.

    Thabo Mbeki was a central figure in the worldwide anti-apartheid
    movement, as was his father, Govan Mbeki. He led the ANC delegation
    that finally negotiated the release of Mandela and other political prisoners,
    and managed to negotiate a peaceful end to apartheid. "The Mbeki family is
    like the royal family here in South Africa," a South African journalist told

    Mbeki is renowned for his intellect, decency and sense of honor. He is a
    rapacious reader. He was sent abroad by the ANC as a young man to spare
    him from prison and ensure that he got a good education. At the University
    of Sussex, where Mbeki obtained his degree in economics, the theme of his
    education, according to biographical notes, was "the notion that the
    students had to know enough to be able to question whether what they
    knew was, in fact, knowledge."

    Mbeki was literate from a very early age, and it fell upon him to read the
    letters written to the illiterate wives of the husbands who had gone off to
    work in the coal, gold and diamond mines. When the miners began dying
    from coughing up blood, lore had it that they died because they had been
    kicked in the chest by the killer-birds of witches (impundulu). In fact, they
    died of phthisis, brought on by mine dust.

    Is it surprising, then, that now as president of South Africa, he looks at
    AIDS and questions its causes? Twenty years of crisis. An estimated 50
    billion research dollars expended by the U.S. government. But a head of
    state can't invite 33 scientists into a room to discuss the actual data
    underlying the AIDS edifice without triggering international outrage.

    This is the Thabo Mbeki described in The Washington Post as "thin-
    skinned" because when "a reporter asked if he could afford such a cautious,
    studied approach to treating AIDS when activists estimate that 1,500 to
    1,700 South Africans are becoming infected with HIV daily, Mbeki
    retorted skeptically: `How is that figure derived? Do you know? I don't

    A better question might be why "AIDS activists" are put in charge of
    estimating HIV infections on a continent that keeps no such figures.
    Mbeki's "I don't know" is by itself a revolutionary statement. When
    discussing AIDS, rule number one is: Don't ever admit you don't know
    something. Rule number two: Statistics, especially in Africa, are always
    beyond dispute, spiraling toward the skies, getting worse and worse and

    The night before I boarded a plane for Johannesburg, my phone rang. It
    was my friend Noah Bogen, a documentary filmmaker who had for years
    been telling me he wanted to do something on the HIV debate. "I'm
    coming with you, Celia," he said. "I've decided I'm ready to die for
    something important. I've had enough of my pointless mundane existence."

    "We're not going to die, Noah," I said. "We're going to the Sheraton hotel
    in Pretoria."

    Two dissident scientists and three orthodox scientists are on the plane with
    us. Fourteen hours later, we touch down in Johannesburg and unfurl our
    aching bodies. We are greeted by the coordinator of the panel, and ushered
    into a diplomatic lounge, where they take our passports, offer us drinks and
    welcome us. Eventually we are divided into cars and speed off toward
    Pretoria, half an hour away. On arriving at the hotel, we learn that there
    will be no press access to the actual proceedings, because the mainstream
    side objected fiercely to this.

    A few hours later, jetlagged, I wander down to the cocktail reception,
    where hardcore dissidents like Duesberg and Harvey Bialy are conversing
    happily with officials from the Centers for Disease Control and the NIH. In
    walks Luc Montagnier, from whose laboratory the entire ball of wax
    emanated in 1983, when he isolated the virus (or, some dissidents would
    say, "what passes for the virus").

    I look around the room and smile at the very sight of all the orthodox
    scientists eating salmon snippets from the same tray as people who don't
    think HIV causes AIDS. A single air strike against this hotel at this
    moment and you'd wipe out the HIV debate forever after. I greet
    Duesberg, whom I've known, interviewed and admired since 1987. For
    years I've been telling him that this day would come. He looks around the
    room. "I have to admit," he says, "this is unbelievable."

    The next morning at 8 a.m., a red carpet runs through the Sheraton, and we
    take our seats to await President Mbeki, who will address and welcome the
    panel. When he enters the room, it feels great, standing up to salute
    somebody you actually want to salute.

    He addresses us, his voice melodic and gentle, quoting Irish poetry, asking
    rhetorically if he might be a fool. "Indeed, when eminent scientists said,
    `You have spoken out of turn,' it was difficult to think I was not a fool," he
    said. "You cannot respond to a catastrophe merely by saying, I will
    respond in a way that is routine. We must never freeze scientific discourse
    at a particular point."

    He detailed the trajectory of his own skepticism, and said that the data on
    HIV and AIDS in Africa had confounded him.

    (Days later, Rachel Swarns of The New York Times would report that
    Mbeki said in this address that he "knew that the human immunodeficiency
    virus causes AIDS." He said no such thing. I called Swarns twice for
    comment. At print time, she has not responded.)

    Around the world, even in South Africa, the media has pilloried Mbeki,
    depicting him as "unable to sleep" and searching the Internet for conspiracy
    theories about AIDS. Mbeki has accused his critics of waging a "campaign
    of intellectual intimidation and terrorism" against him, which he likens to
    "the racist apartheid tyranny we opposed."

    The real story has nothing to do with the Internet. It started with a South
    African journalist and consultant named Anita Allen, who, having read
    Nobel laureate/HIV dissident Kary Mullis' book Dancing Naked in the
    Mind Field, began her own crash course in the dissident critique, and
    started calling South African scientists and health officials to alert them.
    After many weeks of polite rejections and assurances that the scientific
    community of South Africa was quite sure HIV caused AIDS but thanks
    anyway, Allen finally appealed to the President himself in the form of a
    letter and a 100-page dossier. Three months later, an astounding thing

    "It was close to midnight," Allen recalls, "and the fax machine went off. I
    thought, `Who on Earth is faxing me at this hour?'" What came through
    the fax was a handwritten letter from Mbeki, saying he had read her letter
    expressing concern about the HIV-AIDS question and that he wanted to
    meet with her in the morning to discuss it.

    Allen met with Mbeki for an hour. She brought with her a dossier of
    scientific articles for him to read.

    "He said to me, `What exactly do you want me to do?' And I suggested he
    convene a panel. He said, `I'm going to be slaughtered, you know.'"

    "What other leader in the world would talk to an ordinary citizen like
    that?" Allen wonders.

    She was invited to submit a proposal on whom to invite to the panel and
    how to structure it. The man placed in charge of dispatching the
    invitations, Dr. Ian Roberts, was, according to Allen, hostile to the debate
    and simply didn't send them out. This explains why, in the days leading up
    to the conference, I was on the phone with dissidents Rasnick, Bialy and
    others, trying to find out if this was really happening or not, and they didn't
    know. Many of the panelists only had their flights confirmed in the
    immediate days before departure.

    "What's going on in there?" I continually asked whatever panelist I could
    snag when they came out of the conference room for their coffee breaks.

    "They have nothing, just fairy tales about friends dying, architects dying, all
    these funerals," says Christian Fiala, a dissident doctor from Austria.
    "There is an interesting argument in there, that so many millions are dying
    and we have to act now, and all these people trying to reopen a discussion
    about the causes of AIDS is stopping this important action. But what they
    don't keep in mind is that before you start to go in a certain direction, you
    have to know which direction you're going in, and why. What if it's the
    wrong direction?"

    "It took a head of state to accomplish what scientists couldn't accomplish
    in 15 years," Rasnick told me. "The event itself was historic, but I would
    not say that anything was resolved. Everybody just laid out their positions,
    and nobody really budged from those positions... It was two days of
    `You're wrong and I'm right.'"

    In a separate meeting, it was decided that Duesberg and Bialy, under the
    auspices of the CDC and the South African government, will design
    epidemiological studies that will put the HIV hypothesis to a test (16 years
    after its birth).

    After the first day of the panel, there was a joke going around that Helene
    Gayle, the very beautiful African-American director of the National Center
    of HIV/AIDS prevention at the CDC, had invited Duesberg to the CDC for
    a yearlong sabbatical. Duesberg and Gayle were joking and being flirty, and
    before long nobody knew if the joke was real or not. By the end of the
    conference, a version of it had taken root, and it was announced that a
    subcommittee of four-Gayle, Duesberg, Bialy and Prof. Malegapuru
    Makgoba, head of South Africa's Medical Research Council-would work
    together to design and carry out the HIV experiments. This was confirmed
    by the Health Minister at the closing press conference, and reporters were
    meekly asking who would pay for the experiments.

    "Peter Duesberg was more surprised than anybody on the planet to hear
    that he's now collaborating with the CDC," said Rasnick. "This is beyond
    anybody's wildest imagination."

    Rasnick also reported that when he said that AZT has "killed a lot of
    people," no one on the panel disagreed.

    "That was quite openly stated and nobody disagreed with it," Rasnick said.
    "I would put the figure at at least tens of thousands killed, at the doses they
    were giving people in the early years."

    Dr. Klaus Koehnlein, a German AIDS practitioner and dissident on the
    panel, concurred. "I remember vividly the early years, and seeing those
    AZT patients, and they just had no bone marrow left and that was it. They
    think AZT wasn't so good and the new drugs are better, but they have no
    idea that we killed a whole generation of AIDS patients with AZT.
    Especially in the early high doses of 1200 and 1500 milligrams. That was
    just murder."

    Dr. Sam Mhlongo, head of the Dept. of Family Medicine and Primary
    Health Care at the Medical University of South Africa, was the only South
    African on the panel who holds the dissident position. He speaks to Mbeki
    on a regular basis. I ask him whether he thinks Mbeki might back down
    under international pressure.

    "There is no way this president will give in to attacks on him, because he is
    convinced, like he was in the struggle against apartheid, that there needs to
    be a debate. This is all related to apartheid, because the theories and
    practices of apartheid were not to be questioned. It was taken for granted.

    "I grew up under apartheid," he continued. "There were funerals every
    week because of the violence and the poverty of apartheid. There are many
    funerals still today, and I say that there is no evidence whatsoever that
    these people have died of AIDS."

    I ask him what I would see if I went to a local hospital (which I've done in
    other African countries, but not in South Africa). "If you didn't see poverty
    and malnutrition as the number-one cause of death in South Africa," he
    replied, "I am prepared to close my bank account and give you all my

    I asked him how that was possible-how could there be all these media
    reports about the millions dying of AIDS in Africa? It can't be a wholesale
    fabrication, can it? Don't they say that AIDS affects the middle and upper
    classes, not just the poor?

    "Look, there are no death certificates whatsoever," he said. "We have no
    references for anything. All you have is the media. Television, radio and
    newspapers agreeing on this. That stuff about the upper classes is really
    rubbish. I am so-called bourgeois, and I don't see any of this among the
    middle class. It's the poverty-stricken, unemployed, black South Africans
    who are dying, because of diseases related to poverty."

    Political earthquakes sometimes begin as flukes, or oversights-like the
    "opening" of the Berlin Wall, which the East German government did not
    intend at all.

    The panel is being followed up by a six-week Internet discussion with all
    the panelists, and then another meeting in Pretoria in early July, where
    conclusions will be drawn and recommendations will be drafted for the
    South African government's AIDS policies.

    A strange thing happened on the last day. Apparently, Clinton called and
    spoke to Mbeki just as the panel was convening, and asked if he could
    dispatch four (African-American) AIDS specialists from the White House
    to sit in on the panel. Mbeki agreed, and the four suddenly appeared on the
    last day, but evidently didn't say much.

    "It seemed like they were there to observe," said Rasnick.

    "That's the United States AIDS forces coming in," quipped Duesberg.

    When I collared people from the CDC in the halls and asked them for
    comment, they would say diplomatically that this conference was
    "important" and that many of the dissident arguments could be helpful in
    the "fight against AIDS."

    It felt a little like the period around the time of the Velvet Revolution,
    when former authoritarian socialists suddenly started talking about the
    importance of "socialism with a human face."

    vol 13 no 21


    "Despite a close watch, we have witnessed no new species emerge in the
    wild in recorded history. Also, most remarkably, we have seen no new
    animal species emerge in domestic breeding. That includes no new species
    of fruitflies in hundreds of millions of generations in fruitfly studies, where
    both soft and harsh pressures have been deliberately applied to the fly
    populations to induce speciation. And in computer life, where the term
    "species" does not yet have meaning, we see no cascading emergence of
    entirely new kinds of variety beyond an initial burst. In the wild, in
    breeding, and in artificial life, we see the emergence of variation. But by the
    absence of greater change, we also clearly see that the limits of variation
    appear to be narrowly bounded, and often bounded within species." (Kelly K.,
    "Out of Control: The New Biology of Machines," [1994], Fourth Estate: London,
    1995, reprint, p.475)
    Stephen E. Jones | |

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