Re: The *fact* of evolution

From: Stephen E. Jones (
Date: Tue May 23 2000 - 10:35:41 EDT

  • Next message: "Definition of Darwinism"


    On Fri, 19 May 2000 11:13:52 -0700, Cliff Lundberg wrote:

    Re: The *Fact* of evolution!

    >>CL>Wow, a real Darwinian. Huxley's warning against this gradualist absolutism
    >>>wasn't heeded by Darwin and isn't heeded by you.

    Maybe its because Darwin (and Dawkins) had read Paley's "Natural
    Theology" (which I am just finishing)? They realised that *only* tiny, step-
    by-step changes could hope to explain the *fantastically intricate* layers of
    design that Paley documents.

    Saltationists solutions are just `hand-waving'. That's why they are popular
    with paleontologists who study bones, but never catch on among biologists
    who are intimately aquatinted with the living *details* of life's complex

    >CL>Obviously I didn't make myself very clear. Even very rapid evolution is
    >>glacial compared the the span of a human lifetime. "Rapid" can mean 1000

    And it could mean only 1 year, or even 1 generation!

    CL>To me the question is, what can be accomplished in one mutation,
    >in one generation, one evolutionary step? Steady microevolution might
    >produce geologically instantaneous large changes through Darwin's
    >"insensible" gradations, but that is not proof that macromutations
    >did not occur.

    The problem with "macromutations" is there is no testable scientific
    mechanisms to explain them. They are the naturalistic equivalent of

    CL>Plus there are serious mechanical problems in doing
    >certain things gradually, as I outlined in my comments about skeletal
    >elaboration, where I pointed out that articulated bones are intrinsically

    Agreed. There are *huge* problems with "doing certain things gradually".
    As Clark points out, most things have to pass through a functionally less
    useful (or even totally useless) phase to reach the next island of
    functionality. But the problem is that natural selection would weed
    out anything that was less well functional:

    "In order to build up a structure by natural selection, it is essential that each
    stage in the building process must make an animal better fitted to its
    environment than the one before it. An eye that is half developed must be
    more useful to an animal than an eye that is 49 per cent developed, and this
    in turn, than one, the development of which has proceeded to only 48 per
    cent, and so on. The graph of usefulness against the extent of structural
    organization must show a steady upward rise-otherwise progress must
    inevitably stop, hindered by natural selection itself. If the graph is not a
    steady upward rise, but has ups and downs, then natural selection (which
    selects usefulness and adaptation), working from either direction, will force
    the organism to the nearest maximum. Today, with our much greater
    knowledge of and familiarity with complex systems, we know that steady
    upward rises of the kind demanded by materialistic evolutionists are
    unknown to science. Isolated fundamental changes make a machine less
    efficient than it was before and may even make it useless, unless, indeed,
    numerous other adaptations are made at the same time. The radio
    manufacturer cannot turn one model of a wireless set into a larger and
    better one by continuous stages-he cannot add a new valve, a condenser, a
    piece of wire, etc., in a series of operations, and hope each time to obtain a
    model that is slightly better than the one before. All the changes must be
    made at once-or not at all! To add an extra valve to a wireless set you must
    first cut through wires, disconnect the loudspeaker, etc., and at once the set
    becomes useless as a functioning whole. Only after passing through the
    useless stage can it be made more useful than before. It is the same with all
    arrangements of matter organised as functioning units. To ask for a
    gradual, uniform, improvement is, it seems, to ask for the impossible.
    (Clark R.E.D., "The Universe: Plan or Accident?", 1961, pp.123-124).

    In my biology class the Darwinist lecturer was obviously perplexed when
    he got to the gastropod embryos which uniquely twist around 180 degrees
    during development:

    The most distinctive characteristic of the class Gastropoda is a process
    known as torsion. During embryonic development, an asymmetrical muscle
    forms, and one side of the visceral mass grows faster than the other.
    Contraction of the muscle and uneven growth causes the visceral mass to
    rotate up to 180 degrees, so that the anus and mantle cavity are placed
    above the head in the adult (FIGURE 33.18). Some zoologists speculate
    that the advantage of torsion is to place the visceral mass and heavy shell
    more centrally over the snail's body." (Campbell N.A., Reece J.B. &
    Mitchell L.G., "Biology," 1999, p.610)

    But why would those embryos do it and not others in the Phylum
    Mollusca? And if they started twisting one degree at a time for 180
    degrees, they would have the worst of all worlds.


    On Fri, 19 May 2000 17:21:03 EDT, wrote:

    >CL>>>How do you explain the origin of cellular complexity, without the
    >>>>macroevolutionary step of symbionts becoming genomically integrated?

    >SB>>gosh, if I had the slightest idea what you are talking about I might answer
    >>>that question.

    The "symbionts" already had "cellular complexity". Margulis' serial
    endosymbiosis theory (SET) proposes that already complex prokaryotic
    cells merged with an already complex larger prokaryotic cell:

    "An idea originated by the early twentieth-century Russian biologist C.
    Mereschkovsky and developed extensively by Lynn Margulis of the
    University of Massachusetts, the hypothesis of serial endosymbiosis
    proposes that mitochondria and chloroplasts were formerly small
    prokaryotes living within larger cells. (The term endosymbiont is used for
    the cell that lives within another cell, termed the host cell.) The proposed
    ancestors of mitochondria were aerobic heterotrophic prokaryotes that
    became endosymbionts. The proposed ancestors of chloroplasts in early
    eukaryotes were photosynthetic prokaryotes, probably cyanobacteria, that
    became endosymbionts. Perhaps the prokaryotic ancestors of mitochondria
    and chloroplasts first gained entry to the host cell as undigested prey or
    internal parasites. ... By whatever means the relationships began, it is not
    hard to imagine the symbiosis eventually becoming mutually beneficial. A
    heterotrophic host could derive nourishment from photosynthetic
    endosymbionts. And in a world that was becoming increasingly aerobic, a
    cell that was itself an anaerobe would have benefited from aerobic
    endosymbionts that turned the oxygen to advantage. In the process of
    becoming more interdependent, the host and endosymbionts would have
    become a single organism, its parts inseparable. Almost all eukaryotes,
    whether heterotrophic or autotrophic; have mitochondria or genetic
    remnants of these organelles. Only photosynthetic eukaryotes, however,
    have chloroplasts. Thus the hypothesis of serial endosymbiosis (a sequence
    of endosymbiotic events) supposes that mitochondria evolved before
    chloroplasts." (Campbell N.A., Reece J.B. & Mitchell L.G., "Biology,"
    1999, p.522).

    Margulis' endosymbiotic theory explains how cells became *more*
    complex, not how they became complex. It's like two companies merging
    to form a larger, more complex company. The existing companies were
    already complex in the first place. Indeed, like company mergers, the
    eukaryote has less complexity in some respects (e.g. no mitochondria of its
    own) than it presumably had before.

    But there are major problems with SET:

    First, the flagella of eukaryotes are radically different from those of

    "A comprehensive theory for the origin of the eukaryotic cell must also
    account for the evolution of 9 + 2 flagella and cilia, which are analogous,
    not homologous, to the flagella of prokaryotes." (Campbell, 1999, p.523).

    Second, the DNA molecules of prokaryotes and eukaryotes and their replication
    are radically different:

    "The replication of a DNA molecule begins at special sites called origins of
    replication. The bacterial chromosome,
    which is circular, has a single origin, a stretch of DNA having a specific
    sequence of nucleotides. Proteins that initiate DNA replication recognize
    this sequence and attach to the DNA, separating the two strands and
    opening up a replication "bubble." Replication of DNA then proceeds in
    both directions, until the entire molecule is copied. In
    contrast to the bacterial chromosome, each eukaryotic chromosome has
    hundreds or thousands of replication origins Multiple replication bubbles
    form and eventually fuse, thus speeding up the copying of the very long
    DNA molecules. As in bacteria, DNA replication
    proceeds in both directions from each origin. At each end of a replication
    bubble is a replication fork, a Y-shaped region where the new strands of
    DNA are elongating." (Campbell, 1999, p.286).

    Third, the mode of reproduction of prokaryotes (binary fission) and
    eukaryotes (mitosis and meiosis) are radically different:

    "Related to the evolution of the eukaryotic flagellum is the origin of mitosis
    and meiosis, processes unique to eukaryotes that also employ microtubules.
    Mitosis made it possible to reproduce the large genomes of the eukaryotic
    nucleus, and the closely related mechanics of meiosis became an essential
    process in eukaryotic sex. Among eukaryotes, sexual life cycles are the
    most varied among the protists. Variety in life cycles and the diversity of
    protist life in general may reflect the evolutionary "experimentation" that
    occurred among the earliest eukaryotes. Let's see how systematists are
    dealing with protist diversity." (Campbell, 1999, p.524).

    If Margulis' endosymbiotic theory is true, it looks like it was a *very*
    special series of events, that only ever happened *once* to only *one* line
    of bacteria (remember it had to have happened *twice* in *one line* because
    plants have both mitochondria and chloroplasts).

    >CL>I was thinking of the not-so-new theory of cellular evolution through
    >>the integration of free organisms into one functioning cell. I'm sure
    >>you've heard of Lynn Margulis.
    >>I'm trying to save evolutionary theory, you're making it look silly
    >>by insisting on impossibilities and brushing aside objections in
    >>defense of a model that was ridiculed by T.H. Huxley from the start.

    I find it interesting that "evolutionary theory" is in such a parlous state that
    *Cliff* has to try to "save" it!

    BV>I am an ardent admirer of Margulis. She once said "Darwinism will one day be
    >regarded as a quaint 20th century superstition." or something like that.

    Maybe it was this:

    "Margulis...wrote last December in American Zoologist, neo-Darwinism
    will ultimately be viewed as only "a minor 20th-century religious sect
    within the sprawling religious persuasion of Anglo-Saxon biology." (Mann
    C., "Lynn Margulis: Science's Unruly Earth Mother," Science, Vol. 252, 19
    April 1991, p.380)

    BV>Has she written something lately? Do you know a good book or internet material
    >on this "not-so-new theory of cellular evolution"?

    She mentions it in her 1986 book "Microcosmos" but it is too long-winded
    to quote! Probably a modern Biology ot Microbiologytext would be better.


    "Given the newcomer's ability to grow over its rival and knock it out, a
    simple reading of Darwin would predict a speedy victory for the
    newcomer. But in recent years, some prominent paleontologists have
    questioned whether such competition among animals has all that much to
    do with who wins and who loses in the evolutionary wars. High school
    biology lessons notwithstanding, it's been difficult to find hard evidence
    that interactions among animals matter, they noted, so externalities, such as
    the meteorite that did in the dinosaurs, might be more important." (Kerr
    R.A., "When Fittest Survive, Do Other Animals Matter?" Science, Vol.
    288, 21 April 2000, p.414)
    Stephen E. Jones | |

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