Re: Note of appreciation

From: Susan Brassfield (
Date: Wed May 17 2000 - 15:14:03 EDT

  • Next message: Susan Brassfield: "Re: Note of appreciation"

    Allen Roy:
    >Evolutionism is a religion.
    >From Merriam-Webster: Religion: A cause, principle, or belief held to with
    >faith and ardor.
    >This definition covers all forms of religion:
    >1. Christianity
    >2. Islam
    >3. Judaism
    >4. Hinduism
    >5. Buddhism
    >6. Shintoism
    >7. Animism
    >8. New Age
    >9. Occultism
    >10. Evolutionism
    >11. Beatlemania :)
    >While most people of the Western world tend to think of Christianity and a
    >supernatural God when they hear the word religion, it really covers a much
    >larger field than that.


    but here is the 4th definition of religion again--2nd time in one
    week!--and of course, with the first three definitions excised as usual.



    For if there is a sin against life, it consists not so much in despairing
    of life as in hoping for another and in eluding the implacable grandeur of
    this one.
    --Albert Camus

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