Re: Determinism and prediction

Date: Thu May 04 2000 - 20:52:52 EDT

  • Next message: Susan Brassfield: "Re: Intelligeng Design"

    You all make this so complicated. Should I take a blue or a red shirt out
    of my shirt drawer? (in truth, I usually grab whatever is on top) I take
    blue. It could be a rational decision based on today's plans. God could
    have made blue more attractive. God could have put the idea in my head
    without me detecting it. My brain could be hard-wired to prefer blue. I
    could have had a bad childhood experience while wearing a red shirt. An
    electron could have jumped a barrier in my brain, flipping my brain to
    "blue." There is no way for me to tell which "reason" is correct.

    I decide to let God decide by flipping a coin. I decide not to decide by
    flipping a coin. God could have put the idea in my head without me
    detecting God. God could determine the result of the coin flip. There is
    no experiment which will detect any of these things.

    On the other hand, determinism in one form or another is mostly an excuse
    for people to avoid admitting their mistakes.
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