Anti-evolutionists use of quotes

From: Troy Britain (
Date: Sun Apr 30 2000 - 05:15:11 EDT

  • Next message: "Re: Anti-evolutionists use of quotes"

    Hi all,

    Another way in which anti-evolutionists abuse their quote mining tactic, is
    to quote from scientists who either hold a minority view (often a tiny
    minority), or sometimes from a scientist whose views are down right nutty,
    and present them as if the views they represent are of equal weight to the
    consensus view held by the vast majority of scientists. Often these fringe
    scientists do not even have directly relevant backgrounds to the subject
    they are being quoted on. Moreover the actual views of these fringe
    scientists often clash not only with mainstream science but also with those
    of the anti-evolutionists who are quoting them as authorities.

    Fredrick Hoyle is a perfect example of this. Hoyle, who by all accounts is
    (or was) a brilliant astronomer, wandered out of his field to write several
    books expressing skepticism about various parts of evolutionary theory and
    promoting his own unique ideas on how the history of life on earth should be
    explained, and it is these works that anti-evolutionists mine for quotes to
    support their arguments.

    However what anti-evolutionists do not explain to their audiences is why A)
    this astronomers views should carry any particular weight in a discussion
    about biology and/or paleontology, or B) exactly what Hoyle's alternative
    explanation for the history of life is.

    Regarding A), the anti-evolutionists penchant for quoting him (and others
    like him) is really little more an attempt at argument from authority. The
    idea being that these are respected scientists with PhD's so what they say
    on any area of science must be important. Quotations of Hoyle given by
    anti-evolutionists are often prefaced by referring to him as "respected
    scientist", or "famous astronomer", in order to further build up his
    supposed authority in the eyes of their audience.

    The fact that Hoyle is an astronomer certainly does not disqualify him from
    having an opinion on other areas of science, nor does it disqualify him from
    possibly making valuable contributions to them. There have been many
    scientists (and even non-scientists) who have done so in the past. On the
    other hand the fact that he has a PhD and is noted in astronomy does not
    make him any better qualified to do so than any other
    non-biologist/paleontologist to comment on these fields. Unless they can
    show that Hoyle has distinguished himself by demonstrating his mastery of
    these fields (despite his lack of formal background in them) and has been
    acknowledged by scientists in those fields as having done so (and I submit
    that he has not), then anti-evolutionists may just as well quote their own
    views on evolution as those of Hoyle.

    Regarding B), the other thing most anti-evolutionists do not usually talk
    about is what Hoyle alternative views are. I submit that the reason behind
    this omission is that they themselves consider them to be at the very least
    unacceptable, and know that if they told their audiences about Hoyle's ideas
    then all their building up of Hoyle as an authority would come crashing
    down. Anti-evolutionists know that their audience, usually made up of
    mostly those who wish to have their pre-existing skepticism about evolution
    confirmed, will find comfort in having a "respected scientist" quoted as
    agreeing with their views. However they also know that if they tell their
    audience that this "respected scientist" also believes that - insects might
    come from outer space, and that they may be as intelligent as humans but are
    hiding this fact from us, and that the changes in life of earth are the
    result of a (natural) alien intelligence which has been raining mutation
    causing viruses down on the earth throughout geologic time - that their
    audience might not find the company to be quite so good.

    Case in point, I was personally present when an acquaintance of mine asked
    Duane Gish about Hoyle's alternative views immediately after Gish had used
    this tactic in a talk he gave to students at Azusa Pacific University
    (2-11-99). Gish's response to us was something to the effect that Hoyle's
    ideas were "silly". But in front of the students he was a "Sir Fred Hoyle
    the famous British astronomer".

    This sort of quotation while perhaps not as blatantly dishonest as quoting
    mainstream scientists out of textual context is certainly further evidence
    of the lack of intellectual integrity which pervades the anti-evolution


     Troy Britain (Amateur Naturalist)

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