Intelligent Design

From: Susan Brassfield (
Date: Wed Apr 26 2000 - 17:53:25 EDT

  • Next message: Tedd Hadley: "Re: the role of sex in evolution"

    Naturally, I've been thinking about ID a lot over the last few months. My
    original opinion--that it's propaganda with no visible means of
    support--has remained unchanged, but I had an idea about it recently and I
    thought I'd share it with the list.

    There are three main ideas about intelligent design: 1. nothing is designed
    by an intelligent agent; 2. some things are designed by an intelligent
    agent and some things are formed by natural forces; 3. *everything* is
    designed by an intelligent agent.

    #1 obviously is the naturalistic evolutionist position. It seems that most
    of the ID proponents adhere to #2 and I've always been a little astonished
    at that. You'd think that a group of people who want their god to be
    omnipotent would say that he/she/it had designed *everything*. It finally
    occurred to me that creationists *can't* take that position because that
    means that everything simply is as it is. God made the Big Bang, evolution
    and all the rest and the natural sciences merely examine God's handiwork.
    That doesn't leave Genesis as a science text.

    I mean, the whole point of creationism is to not only keep Genesis as
    literally true, but to preserve the idea of original sin, the fall, and the
    ultimate redemption from sin by the sacrifice of Jesus. If God made
    *everything* and the natural sciences are true as scientists have
    discovered them, then that might leave you as a theist, but it doesn't
    leave you as a Christian--exactly. (Of course, you can remain Christian and
    be an evolutionist. I know Unitarians who are atheists and who think of
    themselves as Christian because they follow the example and leadership of
    Christ--they merely think the man, Christ, was mistaken about the existence
    of a deity.)

    I don't have any idea where all this leads, but I had a feeling a few of
    you might have some comments!



    For if there is a sin against life, it consists not so much in despairing
    of life as in hoping for another and in eluding the implacable grandeur of
    this one.
    --Albert Camus

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