Re: When peer review is really peer pressure

From: Richard Wein (
Date: Tue Apr 18 2000 - 06:52:04 EDT

  • Next message: Stephen E. Jones: "Re: Law professor unleashes fury on macro-evolution, etc."

    It's interesting to read the following quote from the link given by Mike

    "Sure, weāre a bit controversial, but most interesting things are," Gordon
    said. "Weāre not doing anything that is going to affect how science programs
    at Baylor are perceived. Weāre a separate center doing research. Weāre
    hoping to interact with the sciences. But as far as the sciences are
    concerned, itās business as usual."

    Bruce Gordon is the associate director of the Polanyi Center. Like the
    director, William Dembski, he is a fellow of the Discovery Instituteās
    Center for the Renewal of Science and Culture, whose Wedge Strategy
    includes the following among its goals: "To see intelligent design theory as
    the dominant perspective in science."

    So, if Gordon achieves his aims, it will not be "business as usual" as far
    as the sciences are concerned. No wonder people are worried about the
    activities of the Polyani Center!

    Incidentally, I agree with Mike that there are grounds for a "suspicion of
    design". But a suspicion is not enough to form the basis for scientific
    theory. The problem is that Dembski and his supporters base their theory on
    a suspicion, and then want to make it "the dominant perspective in science"!

    Richard Wein (Tich)
    See my web pages for various games at

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