Re: Disbelieving Darwin and Feeling No Shame, by William Dembski

Date: Thu Mar 23 2000 - 14:16:13 EST

  • Next message: "Re: Disbelieving Darwin and Feeling No Shame, by William Dembski"

    Hi Rich,

    You write:

    >You accused me of misrepresenting Dennett's views by replacing his use of
    >"evolution by natural selection" with just "evolution". But now you say it's
    >"rather clear that Dennett does not distinguish between evolution and
    >evolution by natural selection"! How can I be misrepresenting him if he
    >doesn't distinguish between them?

    Dennett thinks evolution equals evolution by natural selection. But note
    this is a common confusion and you should be more careful since not
    everyone accepts Dennett's equation. Here is how I saw your response to
    Brian (I'll leave it to the readers to judge for themselves):

    You attempted to portray Dennett as someone who merely wants all
    kids to be educated about evolution. But what Dennett is arguing for
    is the indoctrination in his faith (Darwin's Dangerous Idea; evolution
    BY natural selection). It is this faith that he views as the universal acid
    which would corrode and disable all competing memes. Thus, Dennett
    is not some objective guy wanting just to teach common descent.
    He is a fundamentalist zealot looking to smuggle his faith in the
    belly of evolution. To tell another person about what Dennett wants
    without talking about his core faith is misrepresenting what Dennett


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