Re: Whose 'science'?

From: Stephen E. Jones (
Date: Sat Feb 12 2000 - 09:10:12 EST

  • Next message: Cliff Lundberg: "Re: Whose 'science'?"


    Here is a comprehensive summary of the growth of the Intelligent Design
    movement, in the Christian Science Monitor.

    It says "e-mail this story to a friend" so I assume it is OK to e-mail it in full
    to the List.

    My comments are in square brackets.




    Christian Science Monitor



    e-mail this story to a friend

    Whose 'science'?
    State reviews of classroom science requirements are prompting further
    debate about 'creation science' vs. evolution

    Craig Savoye
    Special to The Christian Science Monitor

    On the 10th day of science class, Roger DeHart taught "creationism." His
    critics thought he should give it a rest.

    For more than a decade, the biology teacher at Burlington-Edison High
    School, north of Seattle, taught a two-week section on evolution. On the
    last day, he would talk about a branch of creationism known as "intelligent
    design." The theory holds that the sheer complexity of life defies the
    science of chance and points to an intelligent architect.

    The local school board backed him unanimously when the approach
    became publicized in 1998. But the threat of a lawsuit by the American
    Civil Liberties Union - on the grounds that "intelligent design" is religious
    and therefore illegal to teach - changed all that. A new superintendent told
    him to drop the discussion and will allow him only limited criticism of


    "I take issue with it being a religious thing," Mr. DeHart says. "I never
    mentioned God. I said: here's the controversy, you decide."

    For much of the century, faith and science have fought a tug of war inside
    the classroom. Science has largely prevailed in recent decades, as DeHart
    found. But what some see as a rearguard action by creationists may be
    changing that. As states review science-curriculum standards, more
    educators are pushing for - and winning - a voice for the biblical account of
    how the universe was formed.

    Last summer, the Kansas Board of Education voted to excise most
    references to evolution from the state's science curriculum and no longer
    require knowledge of evolution to pass state tests. This sparked anti-
    Darwinian brush fires of varying intensity in Oklahoma, Kentucky, and
    New Mexico.

    [It is disappointing that the media are still mindlessly parroting each other
    by claiming that the KBoE "voted to excise most references to evolution
    from the state's science curriculum." The fact is that the very opposite is
    the case. The Board in its new standards adopted in August 1999 actually
    *increased* references to evolution from what they previously were in the
    1995 standards. The KBoE did excise references to *macro*-evolution and
    the Big Bang from *draft proposed* standards put to it in July 1999, but
    these proposed standards were never part of the curriculum.]

    Nearly a dozen states are scheduled to review science standards during the
    next two years, including bellwether Texas.

    "The battle is only beginning to heat up," says Eugenie Scott, executive
    director of the National Center for Science Education in Berkeley, Calif.

    Caught in the middle are students who have questions about faith even as
    they prepare to enter a "real world" where scientific understanding is
    increasingly a prerequisite for success.

    "I allowed students to write either a position paper on evolution or one on
    intelligent design, giving five best evidences," DeHart says of his approach.
    "Or they could choose to have a debate. Now they can't do either. The
    students are the losers here. Where is freedom of speech when they're
    censoring someone? Is that what they want to teach?"

    The fallout from Scopes

    The publication of Darwin's "On the Origin of Species" in 1859 produced
    controversy but not much teaching of evolution in schools - until the events
    leading up to the famous Scopes trial in 1925, which found teacher John
    Scopes guilty of teaching evolution in violation of Tennessee law. His
    conviction was later overturned on a technicality.

    [It doesn't mention that the ACLU which was defending Scopes *wanted*
    him to be found guilty.]

    The practical impact of the trial was that Darwin all but disappeared from
    schools for several decades. But in the 1960s, a post-Sputnik push for
    better science education led to the inclusion of evolution in textbooks.
    Hard on its heels came the movement toward creation science. Defined as
    belief in the scientific accuracy of the biblical creation story, the movement
    emerged in the 1970s and grew in influence until 1987. A Supreme Court
    decision that year restricted the teaching of creation science with religious
    intent in public schools.

    But in the 1990s, the movement regained confidence. For one thing, it
    developed a new strategy that focuses on winning elections and working
    with officials at the local level. The result has been local fights that
    sometimes turn nasty even as they remain beyond the national spotlight.
    The Kansas decision last year, some say, is the bubbling up to the state
    level of this approach.

    Creationists have also tapped into a rich vein of concern. A 1997 Gallup
    poll showed that 45 percent of adults believe in a biblical version of
    creation, another 39 percent believe that humans evolved over time but
    with divine assistance ("theistic evolution"), and just 10 percent believe in
    evolution absent divinity.


    Some observers say the movement has mushroomed in part by exploiting
    fears that science has become predominant in society - leaving no room for
    religious views that many embrace.

    Indeed, John Morris, president of the Institute for Creation Research, a
    group located near San Diego that includes many well-credentialed
    scientists and academics, says he and other groups are witnessing a
    burgeoning interest in creationism.

    Mr. Morris charges that evolution, or "naturalism," has taken on the
    trappings of religion, just as atheism has come to be defined as a religion or
    a world view that governs people's perceptions of who we are and why we

    [It is highly significant that the ICR now seems to be moving its emphasis
    away from `young-Earth' distinctives towards Intelligent Design, and
    picking up on Johnson's argument that the reigning scientific philosophy of
    "naturalism" is effectively a State religion.]

    Viewed from that perspective, the Kansas decision to delete evolution is "a
    move to take religion out of the public schools and put science back in," he

    It's a given that a new approach is needed in the classroom, agrees Philip
    Johnson, a law professor at the University of California, Berkeley, and a
    leader of the intelligent-design movement. He also sees a need to rethink
    what is labeled "science."

    "Materialists have seized the name science," Professor Johnson says. He
    objects to evolution theory being used to prove that matter and natural law
    can create anything without some assistance from God.

    [It is good to see that the media is waking up that there is such a thing as
    "the intelligent-design movement" which is distinct from the ICR and led by
    "a law professor at the University of California, Berkeley". Johnson's point
    about the name "science" having been seized by "Materialists" is at the
    centre of his `Wedge' strategy].

    Joining the battle

    To critics, such arguments prove the need for a vigorous defense of

    For one thing, there's been a shift in creation theory, says Ronald Numbers,
    a professor of the history of science and medicine at the University of
    Wisconsin. Thought has moved away from "old Earth" creationism, in
    which the story of creation in Genesis represented a time period of millions,
    if not billions, of years, to the "young Earth" viewpoint, which maintains
    our planet is only 6,000 to 10,000 years old.

    Thus, even as traditional science has advanced to a more refined view of
    evolution, creationism has moved toward a stricter and more biblically
    centered explanation.

    [The evolutionists appear to be in disarray. Ronald Numbers still thinks the
    debate in "creation theory" is between "`old Earth' creationism" and "the
    `young Earth' viewpoint". What is really happening is the rapid formation
    of a united front among "creation theory" around the more basic issue of
    the very existence of an Intelligent Designer.


    Too, critics are troubled by the movement's terminology - especially the
    effort to portray science in the same light as religion.

    "Science is not a religion. It is inappropriate to characterize it in that way,"
    says Robert Pennock, a professor of philosophy at the College of New
    Jersey and author of "Tower of Babel: The Evidence Against the New

    [While science itself may not be a religion, the materialistic philosophy
    which has captured science functions as a substitute religion in the hearts
    and minds of its adherents. Pennock claims that "Science is not a religion",
    yet he wrote in the name of science a book with a Biblically derived name:
    "Tower of Babel" and an anti-creation subtitle: "The Evidence Against the
    New Creationism".]

    Ms. Scott of the National Center for Science Education says a discussion is
    worthwhile - just not in school. "The debate between theism and
    materialism is legitimate," says Scott, "but it shouldn't take place in the
    classroom. Any teacher who teaches there is no God has stepped over the
    line, just as I wouldn't want my child to be taught that the Grand Canyon
    was formed in six days."

    [Note the clever use of words by Scott contrastinge atheism with young-Earth
    creationism, as though they are the only two alternatives. By admitting that
    there is a "debate between theism and materialism" she "legitimate", tacitly
    concedes they are opposites. But then she says any such debate between the
    two "shouldn't take place in the classroom", even thought materialism is
    to continue to be taught unopposed "in the classroom".]

    She is concerned that the intelligent-design movement is bent on hiding
    religious objections to evolution. "The Kansas decision carefully avoids
    legal entanglements by omitting evolution," she says. "It doesn't ban it, it
    just discourages it."

    [It is good to see that Scott realises she cannot object to ID that it
    is only a simple "religious objections to evolution". The fact is that
    ID is not necessarily a religious position, but a *philosophical*
    position like materialism is.]

    Scientists withdraw texts

    The debate is unlikely to end anytime soon. In Kansas, the focus has now
    shifted to what classroom materials will be used. The new standards there
    draw heavily on copyrighted material belonging to several national
    scientific organizations. In the wake of the curriculum decision last
    summer, those groups have refused permission to use their texts, calling
    the new state standards "a disservice to the students of Kansas." The
    Kansas Board of Education has subsequently reworded the standards to
    excise copyrighted material.

    Despite objections from the scientific community, Morris of the Institute
    for Creation Research says the days of evolutionist hegemony in schools
    are numbered. "It will never go back to the way it was," he says. "Kansas is
    the crack in the dike."

    [Agreed. The important thing about Kansas is that the Darwinists have for
    years the Darwinists have promoted what Johnson calls the "Inherit the
    Wind" stereotype where the creationists are the ideological oppressors and
    the enemies of free speech and the Darwinists are the victims and the
    proponents of free speech. But Kansas made it quite clear what the real
    situation is and has been all along. The *Darwinists* are (and have been for
    a long time now) the *real* ideological oppressors and the enemies of free


    (c) Copyright 2000 The Christian Science Publishing Society.
    All rights reserved.

    "But evolution is different. Evolutionists purport to explain where we came
    from and how we developed into the complex organisms that we are.
    Physicists, by and large, do not. So, the study of evolution trespasses on
    the bailiwick of religion. And it has something else in common with
    religion. It is almost as hard for scientists to demonstrate evolution to the
    lay public as it would be for churchmen to prove transubstantiation or the
    virginity of Mary." (Wills C., "The Wisdom of the Genes: New Pathways in
    Evolution", Basic Books: New York NY, 1989, p9)
    Stephen E. Jones | |

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