Re: Secular humanism

Date: Wed Feb 09 2000 - 10:03:59 EST

  • Next message: Susan Brassfield: "Re: Behe by Palevitz"

    In a message dated 2/8/00 10:51:10 AM Dateline Standard Time, writes:

    >We have to teach children the results of scientific research
    >because that is the body of knowledge our society has.

    Sure. I have several dozen research abstracts which indicate that
    those who are religious are more likely to enjoy both physical
    and psychological benefits over those who are not religious.
    I wonder how Bertrand Russell-atheist-type parents would like
    it if the public schools spent time on this topic during
    Health Class: week 1 - use condoms; week 2- don't smoke;
    week 3 - don't take drugs; week 4 - be religious.

    Hmmm. Maybe sharing the resuts of scientific research would
    violate the Constitution!


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