Re: The Kansas Science Education Standards

From: Susan B (
Date: Thu Feb 03 2000 - 22:08:42 EST

  • Next message: Susan B: "Re: Feathered dinosaur a fake?"

    >On Wed, 26 Jan 2000 10:12:46 -0600, Susan Brassfield wrote:
    >SB>Here is an interesting tidbit I picked up from another creation/evolution
    >>discussion list. *Very* interesting reading! And, of course, it contradicts
    >>Stephen's claim that the new Kansas standards actually increased the level
    >>of science taught.
    >First of all I have claimed *nothing* about "the level of *science* taught"
    >(my emphasis). What I have claimed is that the new standards increased the
    >amount of *evolution* to be taught in Kansas over the old standards.

    and I've asked you to provide documentation for that statement and have been
    ignored. I read the original proposed standards and the standards written by
    the creationists. "Macro" evolution was deleted along with the Big Bang and
    Plate Tectonics.

    >Second, the article Susan posted said nothing about what the evolutionary
    >content of the old standards was. No one denies that the Board reduced the
    >teaching of evolution in the *draft* standards presented to the Board for

    so what's the difference? This sounds like a semantic trick.

    >The rest of the article makes out like it is a new discovery that the KBOE
    >was assisted by creationists in deciding what to delete out of the draft
    >standards. But one of my earliest posts on the Kansas issue to the Reflector
    >said that the standards were rewritten "With the help of creationists":

    good for you! But it was originally made to sound like the creationists were
    the Board of Education itself. It's interesting to know the acutal name of
    the organization trying to prevent the Christian origin myth from being

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