Re: evolution and stewardship

From: Wayne Slattery (
Date: Fri Jan 14 2000 - 16:09:22 EST

  • Next message: Steve Clark: "Re: evolution and stewardship"

    The answer is James Watt.

    My (un)favorite quote from him is: (during a trip down the Colorado in
    the Grand Canyon)
      The first day was spectacular...The second day started to get a little
      tedious, but the third day I wanted bigger motors to move that raft out.
      There is no way you could get me on an oar-powered raft on that river--
      I'll guarantee you that. On the fourth day we were praying for
      helicopters, and they came.

    >I wish I could remember the name of Ronald Reagan's controversial
    >secretary of the interior, steward of nation's resources; controversial
    >because he believed that judgment day was imminent, obviating any
    >need for conservation.
    >Cliff Lundberg ~ San Francisco ~

    Wayne Slattery
    Los Alamos National Laboratory
    Los Alamos, NM 87545-0010

    (505)667-0797 Day
    (505)662-2874 Evening

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