Gradualism and Phyletic Gradualism

Wesley R. Elsberry (
Thu, 25 Nov 1999 03:09:58 -0600 (CST)

Stephen Jones wrote:


SB>the above paragraph on p. 190 of *The Panda's Thumb* is a
SB>discussion of *gradualism* not variation and natural selection
SB>and is a lead-in to the material on p. 191.

SJ>What does Susan think Gould means by "gradualism" if not Neo-
SJ>Darwinian "variation and natural selection"?


At a guess, "phyletic gradualism". This concept, codified by
Eldredge and Gould in their 1972 chapter introducing
Punctuated Equilibria, is often referenced by punctuationists
as "gradualism". It is an unfortunate but common occurrence.
What Gould describes on p. 191 as a view of discontinuous
change that is still Darwinian is pretty much what Mayr refers
to simply as "gradualism".
