Re: Pyramids

David J. Tyler (
Thu, 15 Jul 1999 10:38:32 GMT

A brief response to Kevin:

> Let's not lose sight of the point here, which is that what would require us
> to use modern technology to accomplish, the ancient Egyptians managed to
> accomplish with manpower and a few basic and -- by our standards -- crude
> tools. In other words, an example of producing a wonder with "blunt
> instruments" rather than "elegant" ones.

I think the point goes a bit deeper than this. These particular
blunt instruments are used in combination with a high level of
intelligent design: exploiting the mechanical properties of materials
and using a great deal of planning.

> If we can do it, imagine what God can do with evolution and molecular
> self-organization.

If the analogy involves intelligent design, then I will go with this.
However, most of what has been said has been hostile to the thought
that any explanation of origins must involve intelligent design in
addition to natural law and chance (and non-linear dynamics). Does
Kevin's believe that any proposed natural explanation of origins must
be deficient because it neglects to address the contribution made by
intelligent design?

[Thanks to Steve and Kevin for their responses to yesterday's post.
I'll reply as I have opportunity].

Best regards,
David J. Tyler.