Re: Neo Darwinism

Jason Bode (
Mon, 14 Jun 1999 12:28:46 PDT

>How so? If a simple computer program can choose, how is choice
> >supernatural?
But can a computer choose on its own? I don't think so. It's 'choice' is
determined exactly by the seed the programmer chooses, whatever that may be.
The programmer actually dictates the choice to the computer! The question
becomes, is the programmer actually choosing or is choice supernatural?

>We find a chaos of the useful and the non-useful in the genes, for
> >example.
Do you know for sure they are non-useful? Or has there merely not been a
discovered usage of them yet?

>No, design in nature is an illusion of the same sort that causes some
> >people to see the Virgin Mary in the water stains on the sides of
> >buildings, and bunny rabbits in clouds, and "irreducible complexity" >in
>molecules, and some to believe that other people are secretly >plotting
>against them.
Care to verify the links between all of these and the assertion they are
illusions? (specifically the irreducible complexity and design in nature)

>You can "see" design in absolutely anything, if you set your mind to >it,
>or if you are predisposed to confuse pattern and structure with >design,
>and if you are willing to suspend objectivity (or are unable >or unwilling
>to achieve it).
Or if it's actually there. How do you rule that out?


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