Test your knowledge of evolutionary theory

Howard J. Van Till (110661.1365@compuserve.com)
Thu, 10 Dec 1998 19:22:48 -0500

Arthur Chadwick,

Just what did you expect to accomplish with your little "knowledge of
evolution quiz"?

Because of the following, I will assume that you meant this as no more than
a bit of light humor:

1. You made no distinction between 1) the net effect of "evolution" as an
ensemble of diverse processes and events, and 2) the outcome of individual
events within an evolutionary context.

2. You seemed also to treat "evolutionary theory" as if it were some single
monolithic statement that could be subjected to simple little questions
like, "So just what does evolutionary theory recognize that evolution does,

As humor, this is harmless, I suppose, but not particularly funny. If not
meant to be humor......


Howard Van Till