Re: Why Christianity is being marginalized in modern society

Glenn R. Morton (
Fri, 04 Sep 1998 20:46:50 -0500

At 10:34 AM 9/4/98 +0800, Stephen Jones wrote:
>My assessment of why "Christianity is being marginalized in modern
>society" is as follows:
>1. 1800-1850. The 19th century Christian Church, four centuries after the
>Reformation, was decadent, deistic, and leaning too heavily on "natural
>theology" at the expense of Biblical revelation. Because it was relying too
>heavily on Paley's version of the argument from design, the Church was a
>`sitting duck' for a naturalistic explanation of design.

So why are you such a fan of Philip Johnson and Michael Behe who are
reviving Paley's argument from design?

>5. 1990-2000. With the conversion and call of Phillip Johnson, a Senior
>Professor of Law at Berkeley University (and a man of genius intellect),
>creation has entered a new phase. Johnson through his brilliant critical
>analysis of Darwinism and his refusal to follow the TE strategy of attacking
>YECs, has quickly seized the Creationist middle ground (eg. Progressive
>Creationists/OECs-Moderate YECs) and has welded it into the Intelligent
>Design (ID) movement. Rightly sensing that Johnson is a threat to their
>respective positions, first leading TEs and lately some leading YECs have
>attacked Johnson. Johnson has not retaliated against the YECs (and indeed
>has very cordial relations with many YECs), but he has vigorously
>defended himself against the leading TEs, whom he has rightly pointed out
>are really Theistic Naturalists.

But Philip is reviving Paley's argument from design that you said was bad


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