Re: Increasing Complexity

Bill Hamilton (
Wed, 02 Sep 1998 13:55:52 -0400

At 03:17 AM 9/2/98 -0700, Cliff Lundberg wrote:
>The only quantifiable aspect of complexity I know of is number
>of parts. In this limited sense segmented organisms (such as
>vertebrates) are decreasing in complexity. Of course complexity
>in every other sense may be increasing; but even so, this apparent
>pattern brings a non-Darwinian implication of finitude to the process.

My understanding is that the theory of evolution says that organisms that
are better adapted to their environment produce more copies of their genes.
Depending on environment, either an increase or a decrease in complexity
could give a population a reproductive advantage. I don't see that there
is any required tie-in between evolution and complexity. I know that the
young-earth creationists disagree, and I would like at some time to know
what are the sources in the evolution ltierature that lead them to this view.

Bill Hamilton
William E. Hamilton, Jr., Ph.D.
Staff Research Engineer
Chassis and Vehicle Systems, GM R&D Center
Warren, MI / (home)