Re: An Evil Fruit

Glenn R. Morton (
Wed, 05 Aug 1998 22:27:07 -0500

At 12:02 AM 8/6/98 +0100, Vernon Jenkins wrote:
>I suggest that this train of simple logic requires no great knowledge of
>evolution theory, as you suggest. Glenn's suggestion that an incipient
>foot might offer survival advantage is fine later on in the process, but
>how do the creature and its progeny survive the long years in between
>with neither fully functioning fins nor feet?

Let me point out that the fossil record shows that the forearm and upper
arm bones evolved first with fins on the bottom. Then the fins changed to
hands. There was also a case of a fish with fingers. Daeschler E.B. &
Shubin N., "Fish with fingers?", Nature, Vol 391, 8 January 1997, p133

The fact that things like this lived is proof that they were fit.

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