RE: numerology

Pim van Meurs (
Sun, 2 Aug 1998 04:12:28 -0700

> The numeric significance of letters and words was well known to
> literate Hebrews and was utilized by poets and punsters, as well as
> numerologists. Why couldn't Moses or whoever have consciously arranged
> the text to have some numeric symmetries?

The history of alphabetic numeration begins in Greece c600 BC, to be
adopted by the Jews c200 BC. The books of Moses had been written many
centuries before. Does it not require a divine hand to load significant
words with coordinated geometries that appear after the fact? Clearly,
your suggestion can have no substance.>>

Doesn't it ? Why are you suggesting that the numerology in Genesis is 1) not coincidental 2) not on purpose by those who wrote it down ? Such explanation requires far less 'faith' and as such is surely to be considered the most likely candidate .

Vernon: May I suggest that you carefully examine the observational data and
consider the site and the circumstances attending it.

Would you return the favour ? I looked at your website and other than some interesting numerology there is nothing to show that this could not have been coincidental or on purpose by those who wrote it down. You leap to a conclusion that this shows divine intervention. But many others have made similar claims on similar numerology and failed. What makes yours different ?