RE: An Evil Fruit

Pim van Meurs (
Wed, 29 Jul 1998 08:05:13 -0700

Let me list some of the more obvious fruits of the tree, Evolution :-

1) Claiming to be a branch of science, it has progressively undermined
faith in the word of God - specifically, in challenging the literal
truth of the early chapters of Genesis; it has thereby stripped the
Gospel of its logical foundations, and provided a plank for biblical
criticism, liberal theology, and radical ecumenism; man - the 'crown' of
God's creation - has been relegated to animal status.>>

You are confused about evolution. Evolution does not challenge the 'literal truth' of the early chapters of Genesis. Nor do we now if Genesis is the 'literal truth'. Furthermore man is indeed of 'animal status' and so what ?

2) It has provided an excuse for atrocious human behaviour - evolution's
driving principle being 'survival of the fittest'; this has now passed
into man's hands for its ultimate fulfilment - and we have as prime
examples, Nazi philosophy and Soviet communism.>>

And religion has lead to persecutions, murder, genocide. So what ? You should not blame evolution for the deeds of man.

3) It provides essential support for the growing belief in
reincarnation, and the notion that man's destiny lies in his own hands.>>

How so ?

4) It has led directly to the expectation that other, and higher, forms
of life exist elsewhere in the universe, capable of delivering man from
his increasingly desperate circumstances. This has clouded the Gospel
message and diverted man's attention from his one true source of

How so ? What ideas are you refering to ?

6) Its adherents vigorously resist the idea that Earth history - as
revealed in the succession of rocks and their fossils - are reasonably
interpretable in any other way than theirs; healthy discussion and
debate on the key issue of origins is therefore discouraged, or

Is it ? Your accusations appear to be hollow and more indicative of problems with your personal faith. And yet you claim to know the Truth ?