RE: Evolution!! (D. Howes)

Donald Howes (
Wed, 22 Jul 1998 15:20:19 +1000

>D Howes: Rising flood waters.
>So the fish drowned first ? That does not sound very logical. Why all are
modern fishes found in higher strata. Why are whales and dolphins found at
higher levels, while marine reptiles of similar size are found at lwer
levels ? Why does the sloth and other 'slow' animals appear in the high
deposits whle much more agile mammals appear much lower. And as Philip
Kitcher showed in "Abusing science: THe case against creationism", the
questions could go on and on.

Hey! That wasn't me that said "rising flood waters"!

I have a question related to that though, how do layers of sediment form? I
still remember about 5 years ago when my younger brother did an experiment
at school to show how layers formed, and they got a jar, 3/4 filled it with
all different types of soil and sand and bits of sticks and rock, then
filled the rest up with water. They put a lid on the jars and had to shake
them for ages and once it was totally mixed up they left them on the window
sills of their class room. The next time they were in that room, a few days
later, each type of soil had formed its own layer, with all the sticks and
rocks at the top. How on earth would this happen slowly?

Donald Howes
Acting Research Systems Co-ordinator
Research Services
University of New England
Ph 6773 3263

"I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the
salvation of everyone who believes" Romans 1:16