Sad news on Good Friday

Glenn Morton (
Sat, 11 Apr 1998 20:59:04 -0500

John Tant asked that this be forwarded to the group. Our prayers are with
John and his family at this time.

>Greetings folks,
> Apologies for coming in to the group from a "strange" email address, but
>I'm not at home right now.
> I just wanted to ask you for your prayers for me and my family during
>this time. My mother went to be with the Lord around 5:20 yesterday
>afternoon. I am so very thankful for the assurance that she's okay.
> The memorial service will be here in Angleton, TX tomorrow afternoon at
>4. I think there is something poignant about our considering her "promotion"
>on the same day as we focus on The Resurrection. Please pray that the Lord
>will continue to make Himself real to us all at this time.
> Thanks again.
> jbt,
>p.s. If someone from the evolution@calvin and sci-chr would forward to those
>groups I would appreciate it. I'm not sure if I can access those groups from
>this email address.


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