Re: fossil fish with fingers

Cliff Lundberg (
Tue, 20 Jan 1998 00:54:50 -0800

Glenn Morton wrote:

> There is a report in the January 8, 1998 Nature about a fossil fish with
> fingers in its fin. From the news account on the AP wire it sounds like
> it is a lobe-finned fish, a coelacanth.

> and hit the medical and science news icon.

It's rather annoying that there's no picture with the article!
It would be interesting to see whether the fish had the long
humerus-sort-of bone of the coelacanths.

BTW, isn't the coelacanth an unlikely candidate for a tetrapod
progenitor? It's a heavy, deepwater fish, and its long fins seem
built for a sculling type of action; they lack the sturdiness
necessary to even begin to crawl on land.

-- Cliff Lundberg ~ San Francisco ~