Re: How deep the flood? -Reply

Arthur V. Chadwick (
Fri, 16 Jan 1998 13:39:23 -0800

At 08:55 PM 1/14/98 -0600, Glenn Morton wrote:

>I just thought of something. I have never ever heard of an unmistakably
>marine organism being found in the Coconino either. Considering that sands
>being deposited today off Galveston have shells or shell fragments and NO
>terrestrial tracks, why wouldn't we expect one or two shells from the
>Coconino or the Navajo?

As far as my knowledge goes (and it is not comprehensive), there are no
fossils known from the Cocnino. I think until recently when I seem to
recall some marine organisms were reported from the Navajo, the same was
true for it.