Contempt and Dismissal

Mon, 15 Dec 97 11:14:07 -0500

Lloyd Elby wrote:

Here I don't understand your objection. It seems to me that
all of my statements 1 through 5 are true. I know that some
Christians deny the truth of one or more of them. But so
what? They are wrong to do so. No useful discussion can
occur between groups if one group denies obvious facts. In
that sense, some Christians cannot participate in a useful
discussion of this issue, and they fully deserve the
contempt and dismissal of proponents of evolution.

Contempt and dismissal from opposing views, eh? Sounds to
me like someone being passionate about defending their
"faith". Maybe Lloyd has created a new political label -
Left Wing Religious Fundamentalist.

There has been a sincere and informative discussion for the
last several months. I, a YEC, have appreciated those who
have answered my posted questions with respect, research,
and humor. It has been most enjoyable and has kept my mind
open to others who have obviously spent much more time than
myself into researching this subject. There is no need for
the bigotry displayed above. There is no room here for the
"I'm right - you're wrong because I say it is so" attitude.
Not only does it detract from the discussion it displays a
childishness in the individual.

Wasn't it the ACLU lawyer Clarence Darrow who stated, "It is
the height of bigotry to teach only one theory of origins" ?

Dan Muller